
Care-taking brother denies sister’s demands for ‘fair share’ of inheritance after refusing to help him nurse their father: ‘She should have RSVP’d to family life earlier’

Care-taking brother denies sister’s demands for ‘fair share’ of inheritance after refusing to help him nurse their father: ‘She should have RSVP’d to family life earlier’

17-year-old son refuses to comply with new stepmother's demands to become a united family, blames it on dad for his lack of care and parenting: ‘It's way too late’

17-year-old son refuses to comply with new stepmother's demands to become a united family, blames it on dad for his lack of care and parenting: ‘It's way too late’

Couple informs Mom she is not invited to their family vacation, mom ignores their wishes and books a hotel in the same area anyway: ‘You aren't welcome on the trip’

Couple informs Mom she is not invited to their family vacation, mom ignores their wishes and books a hotel in the same area anyway: ‘You aren't welcome on the trip’

15-year-old ‘favorite child’ brother burns 22-year-old sister's high school journal, mother reveals she told him where the journal was places blame on daughter: ‘I am moving out as fast as I can’

15-year-old ‘favorite child’ brother destroys 22-year-old sister's high school journal, mother reveals she told him where the journal was: ‘I am moving out as fast as I can’

16-year-old daughter demands to go live with grandparents after her dad forces her to participate in family therapy with stepmother and sister, dad takes offense: ‘Your happy family fantasy isn't reality’

16-year-old daughter demands to go live with grandparents after her dad forces her to participate in family therapy with stepmother and sister, dad takes offense: ‘Your happy family fantasy isn't reality’

Man sparks family tension after rejecting sister's pregnancy test as $100 Secret Santa gift: ‘She gave me a positive pregnancy test wrapped up to look like a DVD set of my favorite show’

Man sparks family tension after rejecting sister's pregnancy test as $100 Secret Santa gift: ‘She gave me a positive pregnancy test wrapped up to look like a DVD set of my favorite show’

candy, sweets, Babies, family drama, baby, mother, grandma, motherhood, moms, parenting, chocolate, family, grandparents, grandparent, grandmother, mom, parents

'I gave you sweets when you were 6 months and you turned out fine': Boomer grandma insists on giving chocolate to her 9-month-old granddaughter despite the babies mother's insistence that she can't have sweets until she's 2

mommy facebook groups, kids, mother, crazy things parents say, Facebook Fail, parenting, facebook, little kids, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS, kid

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (December 30, 2024)

Fed-up college student abandons family feast, leaving relatives shocked as Karen Aunt’s insults finally backfire: ‘I stood up, said, “Merry Christmas, y’all,” and walked out’

Fed-up college student abandons family feast, leaving relatives shocked as Karen Aunt’s insults finally backfire: ‘I stood up, said, “Merry Christmas, y’all,” and walked out’

Dad kicks 16-year-old son out after son claims doing household chores is a 'woman's job', son turns to mom for help, only for her to take dad's side: ‘She’ll teach him a lesson'

Dad kicks 16-year-old son out after son claims doing household chores is a 'woman's job', son turns to mom for help, only for her to take dad's side: ‘She’ll teach him a lesson'

christmas, family drama, presents, kids, mother, christmas gifts, gift, christmas presents, parenting, dad, sleep, family, mom, sleeping, parents, children, Father

Dad allows his 5 and 7-year-old kids to open their Christmas presents before their mom woke up at 8:30, mom screams and cries at her husband: 'I was completely deprived of the joy of seeing their faces when they open their presents'

Mom sells her house and gives adult son a portion of the profit, only for him to immediately cut off contact with her, leaving her heartbroken: 'He said I sold the house out from under him'

Mom sells her house and gives adult son a portion of the profit, only for him to immediately cut off contact with her, leaving her heartbroken: 'He said I sold the house out from under him'

Parent calls out sneaky mother-in-law when she takes credit for Christmas gifts they purchased for their children: ‘[She] tried guilt tripping [me]’

Parent calls out sneaky mother-in-law when she takes credit for Christmas gifts they purchased for their children: ‘[She] tried guilt tripping [me]’

christmas, family drama, gifts, presents, mother, christmas gifts, grandma, christmas presents, Grandpa, family, grandparents, stepdad, daughter, mom, money, son

Mom criticizes 16-year-old son for celebrating Christmas and accepting gifts from his paternal grandparents after they excluded his step-siblings and half-siblings: 'I told her I wasn't missing Christmas with my family'

mommy facebook groups, kids, mother, crazy things parents say, Facebook Fail, parenting, facebook, little kids, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS, kid

The Most Entertaining Parenting Texts of the Week (December 24, 2024)

18-year-old woman refuses to share extra $20k in scholarship cash with her 25-year-old boyfriend's mother, sparking a rift between them: ‘I’m losing my mind here’

18-year-old woman refuses to share extra $20k in scholarship cash with her boyfriend and his mother, sparking a rift between them: ‘I’m losing my mind here’