

motherhood, mother, mother in law, in laws, parents in law, birth, childbirth, pregnant, family drama, family, drama, boundaries, delivery, babies, social media, reddit, reddit thread, aita

New mom forbids in-laws from seeing her child after their inappropriate delivery room behavior: 'I don't trust them'

Giving birth is not a spectator sport
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mother, crazy things parents say, bad parenting, moms, Facebook Fail, bad parents, parenting, facebook, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parenting posts, parents, Parenting FAILS

'I got 2 kids, 1 is smart n 1 is non smart. What should I do?': The wildest parenting posts of the week (July 15, 2024)

Who's not smart?
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twitter, Twitter Thread, mother, twitter reactions, moms, parenting, tweet, dinner, food, family dinner, parent, mom, charcuterie, twitter discourse, parents, crazy things parents say

Woman accuses mom of traumatizing her kids by serving them a weekly charcuterie board for dinner: 'When I look back at Charcuterie Tuesdays, I see the gaslighting'

Those poor kids...
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text message, mother, crazy things parents say, text messages, text, texts, bad parenting, bad parents, parenting, dad, texting, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Father, Parenting FAILS

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (July 9, 2024)

It's wild what people will say to each other.
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baby, kid, kids, mother, bad parenting, failbook, Facebook Fail, parenting, mommy, facebook, little kids, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (July 8, 2024)

The Mommy Facebook Groups are never boring
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twitter, mothers, mother, working mom, working, moms, parenting, mommy, tweets, working parents, parenting tweets, mom, discourse, twitter discourse, parents

Moms discuss whether working moms or stay at home moms criticize each other more heavily: 'Women get shamed no matter what we do'

You can't win
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motherson, affairs, fatherson, kids, mother, affair, stepmom, wife, fathers, husband, child support, financial, dad, support, Reddit, money, son, children

Affair partner pressures her husband's 17-year-old son to ask his father to stop paying unofficial spousal support so he can afford her kid's extracurricular activities: 'She told me they need all of dad's money right now'

She's got some nerve
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Kids demand father the money he got from selling their childhood home despite not being in contact with him for years, father refuses: ‘You’re not my problem anymore'

Kids demand father the money he got from selling their childhood home despite not being in contact with him for years, father refuses: ‘You’re not my problem anymore'

Parenting demands that both the parents and their kid be involved in the relationship, otherwise neither of them can move along. If a kid refuses to let their parents be a part of their lives, there is little the parent can do to change that, especially when the kid gets older and has their own life. I feel for parents who truly try their best but are met with constant criticism from their children, and as a child myself, I constantly remind myself that my parents are people too, and they deser…
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‘I won't pay his student loans’: Mother demands daughter cosign for her brother's student loans, daughter locks her credit as a response

‘I won't pay his student loans’: Mother demands daughter cosign for her brother's student loans, daughter locks her credit as a response

Rule number one in adult life – Never risk your credit for someone else. This rule, along with many other rules regarding credit and financial responsibility, is something that every kid should be taught at school. But since very few schools actually teach their students important life lessons, we are here to make up for it by sharing stories that will help anyone learn how to navigate adult life. Going back to the credit point, it is crucial that people will understand that they should not ris…
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Babies, cringey, kids, mother, crazy things parents say, cringe, moms, Facebook Fail, parneting, mommy, facebook, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (July 1, 2024)

Poor kiddo
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‘Neither of us wants you’: Adopted 15-year-old kid confronts divorcing parents after they admit neither of them wants to take custody of him

‘Neither of us wants you’: Adopted 15-year-old kid confronts divorcing parents after they admit neither of them wants to take custody of him

We can all wholeheartedly understand that getting a divorce is a difficult experience. No one wishes for themselves that their loving relationship would fall apart until the only choice is to completely break apart from each other, especially not when there are kids in the picture. But that is no excuse to drop your marital problems on your kids. Even more so, it is crucial that kids know their parents' divorce is by no circumstances their fault, and parents who fail to show that to their kids…
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ipads, grandmothers, ipad, kids, mother, grandma, reddit story, parenting, grandmas, grandparents, reddit thread, Reddit, grandmother, mom, Parenting Fail, Parenting FAILS

Grandmother scolds mom for not buying her 8-year-old son a new iPad after he punched and broke his: 'It's unfair younger son has a tablet and older son doesn't'

Actions have consequences
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family drama, babysitter, mother, grandma, pool, punished, babysitting, swimming pool, dad, pools, punishment, grandson, grandmother, mom, cousins, son, cousin

Grandma cancels pool trip with her 7 grandchildren due to 8-year-old grandson's misbehavior, angers his mother: 'The group punishment made him unliked by the other kids'

The Geneva Convention be darned
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mother, crazy things parents say, bad parenting, moms, Facebook Fail, bad parents, parenting, mommy, facebook, dad, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (June 24, 2024)

That's just sad
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name, names, surname, baby names, baby, babies, children, kids, little kids, mother in law, family, mil, pregnant, pregnancy, raising kids, mother, in laws, marriage, conflict, reddit, reddit thread, aita

Pushy mother pressures pregnant daughter-in-law to give her baby her maiden name despite nobody in the family using it: 'I raised you he didn't'

Names can carry with them big expectations
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choosing-beggars choosing-beggar parenting bad-parents bad-parenting babysitter childcare wage-theft pay payment reddit reddit-thread toddler entitled mom moms

‘Get bent lady’: Choosing beggar offers $3.09/hour for babysitters to watch her toddler, gets zilch in return

Time to go ask Granny for a favor
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