
mental health

therapy, mental health, depression, breakdown, twitter, funny posts, memes

Therapeutic Memes For The People Really Going Through It

You're not alone
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mental health, linkedin, twitter, twitter thread, depression, anxiety, work, job

LinkedIn Poll About Work Mental Health Days Provokes Discussion About Their Necessity

Everybody hurts
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Funny memes, depression memes, relatable memes, anxiety memes

Sadly Relatable Memes for People On the Brink

We'll get through this together
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quality of life, self help, life improvement, reddit, thread, insightful, wholesome, wise, advice, happiness, mental health

Insightful Thread Reveals How People Improved Their Lives With Simple Changes

Happiness isn't something that just drops into your lap one day like winning the lottery. Joy doesn't simply arrive after some sort of spontaneous spiritual awakening. Quality of life is largely dependent on the conditions of one's environment, and although many of the things that affect those conditions are out of our control, some of them are. And as mundane as it sounds, sometimes it's the little changes that improve quality of life in ways we wouldn't expect. Like getting a trolly for carryi
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Memes about mental health, depression and anxiety.

Relatable Memes and Comforting Posts For When the Going Gets Rough

Anyone else feel depressed for the last few years?
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WTF, America's Next Top Model only paid $40 for each model, twitter reactions, tweets, shaving head, tyra banks

Former Contestant Confirms 'America's Next Top Model' Paid Contestants Next to Nothing

Beyond reproach.
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depression, sad, depressed, ssri, mental health, mental illness, misery, memes, depression memes, relatable memes

Miserably Comforting Memes For When The Seasonal Sadness Hits

Misery loves company
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Funny memes about therapy, funny therapist tweets, twitter memes | Therapist: and does make feel am not very good at describing my emotions, maybe could just hold up bunch meme pictures until see one would normally comment word "mood" on | CLIENT SHOULD DO? THERAPIST DO THINK SHOULD DO? All right, then. Keep secrets. Lord of the Rings

30+ Therapy Memes And Tweets Because We All Need Help

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anxiety memes, relatable memes, depression memes, mental health, funny, memes, mental health memes, funny memes

30+ Anxiety Memes For Worriers Who Overthink

It's going to be okay
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Twitter thread from @CArolineMoss of free therapy, the best things people learned in therapy, anxiety, depression | tweet by CarolineMoss If go therapy quote tweet this with best thing learned at therapy way everyone else can get free therapy. mrskimyadawson Replying CarolineMoss Anxiety causes put things off lot and group therapy worked on 15 minute rule If something feels impossibly overwhelming set timer work on 15 minutes and takes away about swan dive into bottomless hole feeling.

'Free Therapy' Twitter Thread Is Chock Full Of Wisdom

"If you go to therapy quote tweet this with the best thing you learned at therapy that way everyone else can get free therapy."
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Funny memes about having ADHD

ADHD Memes For the Woefully Afflicted

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Horrible tiktok therapist, sidequesttherapy, trauma dumping, emotional labor, wtf, bad therapists

Therapist Slammed After Accusing Clients of 'Trauma Dumping' During Sessions

Maybe you should rethink your career.
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Depressing memes and tweets, depression, mental health, lonely

Relatable Memes & Tweets For Troubled Souls

At least we're not alone?
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Funny and relatable memes about depression, sadness, anxiety, mental health

Relatable Memes for People Who Still Have SAD In the Summer

Womp womp.
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Memes and tweets about mental health struggles, therapy, toxic relationships | Brandon Kyle Goodman O @brandonkgood told my friend l'm emotionally "hitting wall" and she said "Sometimes walls are there so can lean on them and rest I can't even begin express much really needed hear | Man been pretty chill lately think finally getting handle on My Mental Illness: Are challenging ? Scooby Doo Shaggy

Relatable Memes & Helpful Truths For Anyone In The Mental Health Struggle

You're not alone.
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Funny memes about therapy, seeing a therapist | regina george from mean girls fine my therapist. kingdom hearts sora selfie: tweet by thatguyCD showing my therapist my inner demons first time

29 Therapy Memes Because Mental Health Is Crucial

If you don't have your mental health, then do you really have anything?
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