

twitter, marriage, Twitter Thread, wedding drama, emmys, sundays, sunday, wedding, tweets, dinner, wedding cake, food, tweet, weddings, twitter discourse

Couple hosts Sunday night wedding from 5-11 PM without serving any dinner, most guests leave early: 'WE ONLY HAD LIGHT CHARCUTERIE AND CAKE'

That's just disgraceful
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 family family drama money take my money money problems saving money borrow lending money debt debt ceiling sister in law brother in law marriage marriage-drama drama dispute aita Reddit reddit thread Tags

'They aren't entitled to any more assistance from you': Greedy couple asks in-laws for free washer and dryer despite owing them $1200

Money and family don't mix
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pregnancy, marriage, argument, car, gas station, relationships, husband, wife, reddit, reddit thread, twitter, twitter thread

Irate husband faces judgment for driving away from 8 months pregnant wife at a gas station after argument about baby shoes: 'It took him a whole two hours to come get me'

Dangerous behavior
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 Wedding Themes bride marriage wedding party mean wedding story brides reddit thread Reddit bullying weddings family drama Marriage family Brother Brothers Politicians politics aita

'Guests were visibly confused and annoyed': Entitled brother uses sister's bridal shower to make political stump speech, is surprised when he's disinvited from the wedding

Now is not the time
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coffee, relationships, controversy, living together, romance, twitter, twitter thread

Thoughtful girlfriend gets trashed for taking pleasure in making daily coffee for her live-in boyfriend: '[The] definition of wife work on girlfriend wage'

Love is dead I guess
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 Wedding Themes bride marriage wedding party mean wedding story brides wedding cake reddit thread Reddit bullying weddings family drama Marriage family stepmom stepmother aita

'She isn't a part of the wedding': Overbearing stepmom wants to wear same color as bridesmaids, doesn't understand why bride is upset

Your wedding is the one place where you get to tell people what to wear
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 Wedding Themes bride marriage wedding party mean wedding story brides reddit thread Reddit bullying weddings family drama Marriage family sister sisters golden child parenting

Selfish 'golden child' announces pregnancy at sister's wedding despite her wishes, parents take her side: 'I was furious'

The bride gets what the bride wants
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marriage, relationships, sleeping, wife, husband, divorce, secret, photos, reddit, twitter, twitter thread

Anxious husband finds out wife has taken nearly 10,000 photos of him sleeping during 11 year relationship, freaks out and wonders about divorce: 'I feel very violated'

He's not looking forward to bedtime
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 Marriage marriage-drama marriage memes marriage advice healthy marriage relationships relationship memes Relationship relationship advice long term relationship finances money saving money spending homeowner homeownership Reddit reddit thread reddit story

Woman keeps $20k in 'friend fund' with 4 other women, refuses to pull out her share to help husband with $60k down payment: 'Your wife sounds financially illiterate'

Money money money, must be funny
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 bride marriage mean wedding story brides reddit thread Reddit bullying weddings family drama Marriage family sister sisters little sister sibling rivalry backstabbing liars argument fiance

'What a twisted and cruel thing to do': Backstabbing sister tells sister's fiancé 'he could do better,' is surprised when she won't attend her wedding

Your own sister?
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 Marriage marriage-drama marriage advice healthy marriage relationships relationship memes relationship relationship advice long term relationship toxic relationship Tattoos Ugliest tattoos Tattoo arm tattoos ink women men vs women

'You have much larger issues to deal with': Oblivious 37-year-old husband wants buxom Bratz-style pinup girl tattoo, doesn't understand why wife is upset

Tattoos are, for better or for worse, forever
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 marriage marriage-drama marriage advice healthy marriage couples couple relationships relationship healthy relationship relationship advice long term relationship money shared finances joint account family family drama

'This isn't an emergency or a death, it's a vacation': Shady husband wants to pay for brother's overseas wedding trip using joint bank account, calls wife 'insensitive' for refusing

A joint account is all about trust
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 antiwork work workplace workplace-stories toxic-workplace job working toxic-work-environment Reddit reddit thread reddit story wife marriage marriage-drama married life marriage advice relationship advice

'You are literally working yourself into an early grave': Burnt-out husband works 70 hours a week in construction, freeloading wife refuses to work part-time to contribute to household

It's hard to determine what an ‘equal share’ really means
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Babies, twitter, marriage, baby, mother, fatherhood, bad parenting, bad parents, husband, tweets, dad, tweet, Reddit, mom, twitter discourse, son, crying, Father

55-year-old father of a baby refuses to take care of his son for more than 15 minutes, says changing diapers and putting on clothes is too hard: 'I hate that thing and wish it were never here'

He's lazy
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 Wedding Themes bride marriage wedding party mean wedding story brides reddit thread Reddit bullying weddings Maid Of Honor family drama Marriage family dogs dog people

Bride forces maid-of-honor to give up her seat so her dog can sit next to her, is confused when she is upset: ‘If Luna is taking your seat, then she can also take your role'

That’s so weird, girl
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 hobbies hobby activity women men vs women tiktok tiktoks influencer influencers marriage marriage-drama marriage advice relationships relationship memes relationship advice fridge decorating

Wife's 'fridgescaping' hobby takes over family fridge, husband and son lash out and belittle her: 'Be nice to your wife'

They're scaping their fridges now?
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