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Unreasonable Manager Demands Employee Call Her When They Leave Their House And Show Up To Work 10 Minutes Early

That's too much
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management, manager, retail, drive, parking lot, employee, malicious compliance, reddit, retail worker, petty revenge

Douchey Retail Manager Accuses Worker Covering Shift of Trespassing at 5 AM, Gets Hit With Malicious Compliance

He was insistent
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management, ask reddit, workplace stories reddit, toxic manager, manager, lame, work, losers, askreddit, horrible management, no life, loser, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, uncool

People Share Signs That Somebody is a Loser

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antiwork, work, anti work, jobs, reddit, reddit thread, boss, malicious compliance, management

Company Enforces Same Punishment Regardless of Lateness, Employee Takes Their Sweet Time

Hopefully the new management learned a valuable lesson
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management, boss, antiwork, workplace stories, toxic manager, jobs, toxic workplace, job, bad jobs, work, toxic management, toxic boss, not my job, workplace, toxic work environment

People Who Quit Their Jobs On The First Day Share Their 'I’m Outta Here' Moments

It seems like it's relatively uncommon for people to quit after their first day of work. You spend so much time applying to jobs, and once you finally get one, you want to stay for at least a while to feel the thing out. Usually, the first few days at a new job are the most difficult, and once you get into the groove of things, it's much smoother sailing. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Sometimes you enter a workplace that is so horrible, with such rancid vibes that you cannot…
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management, terrible coworkers, sober, getting fired, antiwork, fired, manager, bosses, coworkers, sobriety, toxic boss, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses, Reddit, coworker, Job

Sober Woman Gets Fired After Coworker Snoops Through Her Phone And Finds Recovery Apps

That's not right
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malicious compliance, call center, technician, complaint, complaining, customer service, management, company, reddit, osha, repairs, dumb

Incompetent Employer Forces Technician to Work in Call Center, Gets Hit With OSHA Violations

Terrible management from start to finish
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Couple Gets Fired Two Days After Their Wedding Because Groom Made a Complaint About a Supervisor Mocking His Disability

So illegal
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toxic workplace, toxic work environment, toxic boss, toxic manager, toxic management, manager, management, managers, boss, horrible bosses, work, workplace, coworkers, anitwork

Horrible Manager Calls All Staff Meeting, Doesn't Show Up, Claims it Was a Test of Loyalty

Spoiler alert: He learned nothing
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Employee and Customer Team Up to Give Homeless Man Pizza, Employee Gets Quiet-Fired as a Result

Employee and Customer Team Up to Give Homeless Man Pizza, Employee Gets Quiet-Fired as a Result

We've all worked jobs we had a particular distaste for, a place we dreaded stepping foot in, a manager's call we were apprehensive about getting. OP was working at a pizza place at the ripe old age of 18, earning $8.50 an hour, dealing with customers who were an absolute nightmare, and answering to a boss who should never have gotten a management role, to begin with. One night, a homeless man named Ricky entered the pizza store when OP was on shift, asking OP if there were any leftover pizzas t…
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‘This Is Your New Job’: Boss Demands Employee Babysit Her Child During Work Shifts for Free

‘This Is Your New Job’: Boss Demands Employee Babysit Her Child During Work Shifts for Free

Management tends to have some pretty bold, audacious requests, or should we say rather 'demands'. In this case, OP was working as a receptionist at a chiropractic clinic. Her boss went on personal leave for a few months, saying she had family issues that she needed to take care of. After said issues were taken care of, OP's boss came back… with a newborn baby. OP's boss wanted to work full time per usual, and instead of plopping her child off at a babysitter's, she plopped her child off in her…
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Cruel Boss Steals Speaker for playing Spanish Music, Employee Replaces it Immediately

The little things are what make a tough workplace at least somewhat bearable. Whether that's talking to your coworkers, getting a nice lunch, or maybe just having a short break every one-in-awhile, the little things most certainly count. At this construction company, it was the communal speaker. According to the employee, who works in a computer position in the company, the construction firm employs a lot of Latino men for much of the physical portions of projects. While the work is difficult,…
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food, work, Restaurant, food service, waiting, cooking, Job, jobs, relatable, relatable memes, Fast food, bartender, servers, manager, management

Food Service Memes for Restaurant Warriors

Call me old-fashioned, but I think every person should have to work a food position for at least a few months, once in their lives. I'm not the kind of person who'd generally hold a sentiment like that, but it's immediately apparent when you realize somebody hasn't. People who show zero empathy for workers, complain about how “easy” it is to do the job, and just treat their server with complete disrespect. You hate to see it. Cut your teeth as a busser for even just a month and you'll realize t…
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work, professional at work, workplace, manager, management, managers, toxic workplace, toxic work environment, boss, bosses, calling, Texting, email, emails

People Discuss The Best Ways to Call Out of Work

There are some jobs you can't help but call out from sometimes. Sure, sometimes you're actually sick, but you know as well as I do that you're not always telling the gospel truth when calling in with a story about a mystery illness. In college, I was addicted to calling off from my security guard job. Granted, I had a genuinely unsustainable schedule of classes, extracurriculars, and work that made showing up to my 7 AM shift every Monday difficult. Not only that, but I had to work 8 hours that…
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Story about a rude manager who rudely pressures employee to eat lunch with their coworkers

Unreasonable Manager Pressures Employee To Eat Lunch With Their Coworkers

Remember the days when finding the right place to eat lunch in the cafeteria was the most high-stake decision you could make? When you're in school, it really is critical to find a group and stick with them during your 45 minutes of freedom. If you don't have a group you can tolerate eating with every day, you might end up eating lunch in the stairwell, which I definitely did not do during my sophomore year of high school. Luckily, eating lunch alone is a lot less of a big deal when you're an a…
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work, employee, dumb, malicious compliance, coworker, management, safety, machinery, reddit

Dumb Dude Flouts Serious Work Safety Rule, Taunts Coworker into Calling Management

What did he expect?
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