lord of the rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

Funny memes, random memes, lord of the rings memes, lotr, jrr tolkien | fool No man can kill Eowen Leo DiCaprio laughing unmask | somebody dies* gandalf grace valar -First time?

Tolkien Tuesdays: Thirty-Six Freshly Harvested Lord Of The Rings Memes

funny lord of the rings memes dank memes stupid memes tolkien tuesdays | Aragorn watches Nazgul stab some pillows laughing Leonardo DiCaprio | Airport Metal detector goes off Airport security has got its nasty little pocketses? Gollum

Tolkien Tuesdays: 35 Dank and Dumb Lord Of The Rings Memes

Tolkien Tuesdays, fresh lord of the rings memes, hobbits, leonardo dicaprio laughing | still waiting second breakfast Pablo Pippin as Escobar standing around | Frodo Rivendell am ready go home. Elrond ShireDweller laughing Leonardo DiCaprio

Tolkien Tuesdays: Forty-Two Fresh & Funny 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

tolkien tuesdays: lord of the rings memes, dank memes, leonardo dicaprio memes, funny memes, lotr, shitposts, gandalf, frodo, elijah wood, ian mckellen jrr tolkien | Bilbo Gets cup Smaug: OCTOBEX O'm never gonna financially recover this | Gandalf people Rohan let him keep his "walking stick"

Tolkien Tuesdays: 32 Freshly Harvested Lord Of The Rings Memes

Funny lord of the rings memes, tolkien tuesdays, dank memes, dumb memes, stupid shitposts, lord of the rings shitposting, lord of the rings shireposting, lotr memes, ian mckellen viggo mortensen elijah wood | Don't claim be 90s if don't know this boy band. Hobbit actors | She only cheated one time man why can't forgive her? ONE DOES NOT SIMP

Tolkien Tuesday: 25 Lord of the Rings Memes Of Varying Dumbness

Funny and dank lord of the rings memes | Dwarves Moria calmly mining their mithril Balrog: Bonjour bear | CAN SEE refuse Wear Mask. THERE ARE MARKINGS S SOME FORM SELFISH. Frodo reading the writing on the ring

Twenty-Six Dank & Dumb Lord Of The Rings Memes

Funny Lord of the Rings Elrond meme about eating raw cookie dough and the CDC advising against doing that | Raw Cookie Dough CDC Cast it into the oven! Bake it! Me No

You Can Pry It Away From My Cold, Dead Hands

Funny Lord of the Rings memes | Her bet he's thinking about other women do orcs know menu is? | Monsters Inc. PLOT LORD RINGS: RIsatsm PUT THING BACK WHERE CAME OR SO HELP .

Twenty-Five Lord Of The Rings Memes For The Shire Folk

Funny meme about introverts hating phone calls featuring Frodo Baggins throwing the ring into the fire | introverts after making it an entire phone call It's done

Thank God That's Over With

Tolkien Tuesdays, lord of the rings memes, dank memes, middle-earth, jrr tolkien, gandalf, gimli, aragorn, nazgul | WHITE HOUSE Trump says he thinks coronavirus will 'just disappear" despite rising cases Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday he "would not be surprised if go up 100,000" new cases per day can avoid being seen if wish, but disappear entirely– is rare gift | Samwise YEAH SIMP S- super into M- mashed P-potatoes

Tolkien Tuesdays: Fresh & Timeless LOTR Memes For The True Heads

funny dank memes about lord of the rings, jrr tolkien, lord of the rings movies, elijah wood | Frodo: puts on ring Frodo Sauron Always Sunny in Philadelphia | Nobody: P.S. Tirith: White Gandalf riding to Minas Tirith merged with a PlayStation 5

Dank LOTR Memes For People Who'd Rather Be In Middle-Earth

Funny lord of the rings dog meme, i am not trying to hurt you i am try to help you, gandalf, ian mckellen | Gandalf talking to a dog holding a ball in its mouth


Funny memes about lord of the rings, dank memes, sean bean, ian holm, ian mckellen, hobbits | Therapist: So 's problem? Wife: He won't stop quoting Lord Rings sorry just so tired feel Wife: Stop. Therapist: No, no let him talk feel thin, sort stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. bilbo baggins | 2020 @danklotrmemes One moment peace, can he not give us ?

Tolkien Tuesdays: 34 Fresh & Funny Lord Of The Rings Memes

Funny dank memes about lord of the rings, lotr memes, stupid memes, lotr shitposting, frodo baggins, elijah wood, gollum | Gollum Sméagol precious will be ours once hobbitses are dead Frodo: GANDALFS.MEMES gonna pretend didn't hearthat. | ARE FEET SHOES TEBRNT 50 HOBBITS: Well yes, imgflip.com

Tolkien Tuesdays: 33 Dank Lord Of The Rings Memes

Funny memes about the Lord of The Rings trilogy and the hobbit, dank memes, gandalf, orcs, bilbo baggins, frodo baggins, elijah wood, orlando bloom, ian mckellen | baby faced frodo vs ugly orc: Guys with bar soap they wash their balls with Girls with their $1,000 face wash | orcs Mordor gondor Call an ambulance! Gondor, Rohirrim, Army Dead Not for me old man faking a heart attack when getting mugged

Dank Lord Of The Rings Memes For The True Heads

Funny memes about lord of the rings, peter jackson, tolkien tuesdays, ents, funny memes, dank memes | hear somebody say Dumbledore could beat Gandalf. Michael Jordan removing headphones | Disgusting things LotR: Denethor eating one tomato |Orcs eating each other pie chart

Tolkien Tuesdays: 30 Fresh & Funny Lord Of The Rings Memes