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A Smash and Grab Job of Looted Memes

Funny and cringey stories from reddit that are completely made up | Official Flat Earth Discussion V New Member HOLY FULL MOON HAD RANDOM GUY MY APARTMENT LAST NIGHT WHO WORKED NASA AND SAYS YES EARTH IS FLAT AND THERE IS DOME. HE SAID NASA IS NOTHING BUT SMOKE AND MIRRORS. KAPOW Yeah, then conversation got weird really really weird but very very interesting | TikTok buying groceries and ran into girl my age and spilled my stuff so she helped pick up my stuff and apoligized but slipped into my

Very Cringey Stories Spun By Brazen Liars

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Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (December 13, 2022)

funny history memes

Funny History Memes For Lovers of Historical Humor

Funny tweets about ridiculous engagement bait

Attention-Seeking Nursing Assistant Baffles and Infuriates Twitter With Absurd Engagement Bait

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A Succulent Selection Of Memes & Things

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A Dash of Memes for Extra Flavor

Woman's jealous ex gets mada bout penis potato

'I hope he knows he's jealous of a potato': Perplexed woman asks for advice after ex has jealous meltdown over a phallic potato

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A Haphazard Splattering of Memes

A list of funny and random memes

Gut-Busting Memes To Increase Gut Health

guy mocks the rich on tiktok with hilarious videos

Guy Rags on Flashy Rich TikTokers by Transforming Their Videos Into Funny Nihilistic Series Called ‘I’m Rich You’re Poor'

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Funniest Facebook Marketplace Horror Stories That We Came Across this Week (December 9, 2022)

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An Entire ‘Lisa Frank’ Binder Worth of the Best Memes from This Week to Satisfy Millennials' Nostalgia Funny Bone (December 9, 2022)

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A Blend of Memes That Make a Smoothie of Internet Funny

Funny random tweets

Fresh Tweets From the Funny Brains of Twitter (December 9, 2022)

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People Share Things That Are Technically Legal But Comically Twisted