

Dads Say The Darnedest Things

Funny tweet that reads, "No one: ... My dad: Why don't you hang out with that friend from kindergarten anymore"
Via abaytay

Is This Real

Caption that reads, "I'm sure this sculpture is supposed to be a statement on consumer culture or something, but all I can see if Jesus and Lenin trying REALLY HARD to make this whole co-parenting thing work as they take Mickey to his first day Kindergarten" above a pic of a statue of Lenin, Mickey Mouse and Jesus all holding hands
Via somethingNH

The Song Of My People

Caption that reads, "ABCDEFGHIJK" above a still of a kids' cartoon character singing, "Ella mella pee"
Via Justicerainsfrommybutt

Lol Idiot

Caption that reads, "STEM major: What are you learning in school? Kindergartner: Shapes and colors; STEM major: LMAO good luck getting a job with that" above a stock photo of a mom talking to her son
Via JALization

Too Real

Funny meme about kids drawings
Via Aidens-mommy

The Chosen One

Funny meme about being chosen for line leader kindergarten.
Via cabbagecatmemes

2 girls 1 cup kindergarten memories Pie Chart - 4131658496
Created by thelolbringer

Tomato, Tomahto

kindergarten singing church funny - 8329085952

Kindergarten Letter Rage

letters kindergarten writing - 8242552320
Created by ItsMarie

Logan is the Hero That Kindergarten Needs

dinosaurs kindergarten - 8028843520

I Did This Every Day

kindergarten are you kidding me recess i lied - 7885777664

Nap Time Beat Down

kindergarten - 7838624256
Created by death_by_rage

And Let the Sea of Tears Begin

kindergarten kids poker face oh god why - 7795866112


kindergarten kids human centipede - 6776375808
Created by terius33

Two Pilots

Anti-Joke Chicke anti joke chicken birds flight kindergarten - 6367728384
See all captions


hilarious kindergarten school the stig wtf - 6168005376
Created by anselmbe