

Funny posts from Nextdoor

Petty and Ridiculous Dispatches From 'Best of Nextdoor'

Living in New York City is a little different than the suburbs or even smaller cities across the country. Being exposed to the antics of other people almost 24/7 gives us what seems like tolerance for the quirks of other humans. In reality, at least for me, that tolerance is just me tuning them out. If I had a dime for every time another human, whether next door or on the subway, bothered me with their noise, their smells, or their general inconsiderateness, I'd have a million dollars. But alas…
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tiktok, funny comments, comment section, tiktok comments, funny, memes, lol, jokes, out of context, social media

28 Times TikTok Comments Were Better Than The App

TikTok isn't for everyone, and it's the sort of app you're either obsessed with or repelled by. It's hard to be a casual TikTok dabbler (trust us, we've tried and failed). Even when you're blessed with a 'for you page' that isn't just an endless feed of insufferable cringe, the chaotic app itself tends to overwhelm the fragile senses of those who don't live on the internet. It's too bad, because just like all other social networks, there's some real hidden gems in the comment section. But thank…
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A Collection of Fresh and funny tweets from the funny minds of people on twitter

Fresh Musings and Mischief From the Bowels of Twitter (January 26, 2023)

Greetings, internet users and abusers. It's Thursday, January 26th, and today feels just like any other. I got up, got out of bed, dragged a comb (brush) across my head. I opened up my ThinkPad and went to like I do every day from Monday to Friday. As per usual, I almost immediately closed the laptop and prayed to the powers that be. Why? Because perusing Twitter for quality content can be so disheartening. Fortunately, betwixt the rantings and ravings of political lunatics, and the…
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‘Am I the Drama?’ : 25+ Funniest Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd

‘Am I the Drama?’ : 25+ Funniest Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Dramatic Crowd

I'm the problem, it's me.
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Funny memes about dogs, canines, dog people

Funniest Dog Memes For Canine Connoisseurs (January 25, 2023)

I have a confession to make. I wasn't always a cat person. I might talk about them constantly, share memes about them, and think about kitties all the time, but for the first half of my life, I was a hardcore dog person. I think this is mostly thanks to my mom, who would denigrate felines whenever she saw them. She'd grown up with dogs, dachshunds to be exact, and felt cats were cold and unpredictable in comparison to her beloved weiners. Obviously, she was wrong. It's easy to simplify the diff…
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Funny, crazy, and self-deprecating Youtube Comments

YouTube Comments That Range From Silly to Straight-Up Insane

I don't know about you, but whenever I find myself falling into a YouTube hole, it's not just the videos that I am paying attention to. Whether the video is stupid, smart, or even some excruciatingly boring tutorial, I will go out of my way to check out all of the comments. The truth is, in many cases, that the YouTube comments are more entertaining than the videos themselves. While there are some sweetly appreciative shout-outs and usually some personal anecdotes from a boomer or two, there's…
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Best and Funniest Lord of the Memes January 24 2023

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (January 24, 2023)

Well, well, well. An entire week has passed since last Tuesday, which means it's time for us to present you all with the best Lord of the Rings memes that blessed our eyes this week. Tuesdays may be the worst day of the week (so many days until Friday), but at least we can enjoy the knowledge that our week of meme-hunting may bring joy to some of our followers. This week's batch of memes includes some funny LoTR-related tweets , some classic comedic reposts, and a whole lot of stupidity. So it'…
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20+ Memes: Introverted Social Expressions in the Form of Human Funnies

20+ Memes: Introverted Social Expressions in the Form of Human Funnies

For those that don't wanna socialize for the next 340+ days.
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A gallery of funny memes and tweets

Random Thoughts and Funny One-Liners From the Minds of Twitter

Happy Monday, people. And a very happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate. I, for one, am suffering due to some serious Lunar New Year celebrations . And no, I'm not hungover. I'm weary from eating roughly one thousand dumplings, 400 egg rolls, and many, many clementines. We had shrimp dumplings, pork dumplings, spicy pork dumplings, and wonderfully mushroomy veggie dumplings to top things all off. Every year my friends and I get together for this dumpling fest, and every year I forget about h…
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Funny memes and tweets about food, with some cursed food memes mixed in

Tasty Meme Morsels For People Who Are Obsessed With Food

Do you eat to live, or live to eat? Honestly, I'm worried about the people who proudly claim the former. While it's true that we literally eat to live, but it's absolutely bonkers to me that there are people who just don't care about, or flat-out enjoy, eating. I'm talking about Liz, the tech worker I met years ago who dreamed of powering her pale, sickly-looking body with a pill taken just once a day. Even more disturbing? The day I learned she was on a diet that consisted only of Clif bars. R…
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Funny random memes and things

A Random Bunch of Memes Filled With Funny Randomness

Oh yeah, it's Friday baybay. But does that really matter? The older I get, the less excitement Friday brings. Sure, I can go out and party until 4am without much consequence (like, I won't get fired), but I will also almost certainly feel like utter shit and accomplish none of my personal responsibilities. Moaning and groaning my way through Saturday, and then doing it again as some sort of sick hair of the dog, just sounds…terrible. This means the weekend is just relegated to chores and chill…
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A collection of recent (fresh) funny tweets from the comedians of twitter, relatable content

Fresh 'N Funny Tweets For Easy Entertainment (January 20, 2023)

A lot of people have been talking about how Elon Musk ruined Twitter. While the dude is undeniably insufferable, we regret to inform these folks that the app has almost always been iffy at best. Sure, there's a lot to be laughed at (and learned about) on Twitter, but there's also a lot that scares us. Pompous incels spouting dangerous vitriol , political know-it-alls who love reading their own words, and those people who really, really need to touch grass one of these days. To say that Twitter…
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A collection of angry memes for pissed off people, memes about rage, relatable memes, humor, tweets, Keanu Reeves, cat memes

Angry Memes for Surly, Pissed Off People

I need to get something off my chest. You know all those viral TikToks where people take you through their adorable little morning routines? Well, I hate them. I really, really hate them. Who the hell gets up in the morning and actually thinks some sh*t like “Carpe Diem” as they apply their expensive skincare routine and drink a green smoothie? Well, I'm sure those people exist, but they're definitely RICH, and in no way reflect actual human beings. If I were to take you on a journey through my…
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Funny memes for fans of Lord of the Rings, LOTR, elves, tolkien tuesday

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (January 17, 2023)

There's a quote in T olkien's Fellowship of the Ring that always comes back to me when I'm lamenting the current state of affairs, be it my own personal emotional turmoil, or the many ills faced by the world on a global level. When Frodo is tasked with the impossible, we are blessed by the following exchange: “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is…
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Funny memes about raccoons, humor, lol

A Raucous Range of Raccoon Memes for Trash Animal Enthusiasts

As a purveyor of diverse Internet content, there are a few animals that have really had success in the realm of memedom. Cats are an obvious one - cat memes just never seem to get old. But we're more interested in the grittier, self-deprecating memes that feature raccoons, who are also known (affectionately) as trash pandas. If we're being honest, it should come as no surprise that raccoons have an incredibly devoted (and large)fanbase. The masked bandits are incredibly cute, they're wily, and…
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‘I’m Too Old for This’ : Epic Relatable Thread for the Ancient Crowd With Grizzled Hair

‘I’m Too Old for This’ : Epic Relatable Thread for the Millennials With Greying Hair

This includes everyone over the age of 30 (except for you, Leo).
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