

20+ Best Classical Art Memes of the Week (March 7, 2023)

20+ Best Classical Art Memes of the Week (March 6, 2023)

Dark, dry, classy.
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humor stupid memes jokes relatable memes funny memes depression memes Memes lol depression funny depressing memes anxiety - 19572485

Depressingly Relatable Memes For Anyone Struggling to Keep It Together

Simply existing in 2023 is a pretty big deal. It feels like almost everyone I know is feeling some degree of crappy, whether due to their financial status, mental illness, or seasonal depression. But sometimes, you just…get used to it. And sometimes, the pain can transform you. For example, do you ever feel so crappy that the misery seems to transcend into a sort of dark humor ? If not, then we're sorry for you. You see, sometimes when life becomes so cosmically crappy, it can feel a lot like t…
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humor michael-b-jordan twitter jokes relatable fresh tweets funny tweets bird-app - 19578885

Fresh and Funny Tweets That Made It Past the Drafts Folder (March 4, 2023)

Congratulations on making it to the weekend, comrades. If you're on the hunt for some quick and easily consumable content, you're not alone. And we have to suggest taking a scroll through the witticisms people have posted on the bird app. Twitter , for all its downsides, often behaves like a hyper-productive joke factory - one that would probably benefit from its users taking some time off to, say, touch grass. Though it's undeniable that some of the site's most prolific users spit out some ann…
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humor jokes random memes funny memes dank memes funny tweets nerdy memes dinosaurs dungeons and dragons - 19571461

Niche and Nerdy Memes That Beat Scrolling Endlessly Through Hulu

Basic memes are all well and good, but sometimes you need to feel smart while you procrastinate doing smart things. I recently listened to a podcast (rare, to be honest) about time management and mortality. The gist of it was that there's no way we're ever going to be able to do everything. We need to be choosy, and we need to be strategic in regard to the things we don't accomplish. Because we need to accept that there are things in life that we simply can't - or shouldn't - for the sake of ou…
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20+ Best Office Memes to Tune Out Reality With a Laugh

20+ Best Office Memes to Tune Out Reality With a Laugh

Great minds think alike...
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humor stupid memes jokes random memes relatable funny memes Memes tweets - 19542021

A Motley Crew of 30+ Memes and Tweets

It's almost always impressed me that the internet has a special place for pretty much everyone. It has the power to bring people together, and not just thanks to our most popular social media platforms, like Facebook or Instagram. Because of meetup sites and meetup apps, people are making real connections with individuals who have similar interests - people they almost certainly wouldn't be acquainted with otherwise. See, it's no easy feat to fight the crippling loneliness that hangs over many…
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Funny jokes, humor, lord of the rings

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (February 28, 2022)

Welcome back to another round of Tolkien Tuesday , when I (your host) provide y'all with the best Lord of the Rings memes I've seen this week. And lemme tell ya, some weeks are better than others. While I was on vacation it was announced that Warner Brothers would be getting in on the Lord of the Rings action by creating some new films based in the universe. It's been made very clear that the films would not be remakes of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies, with Warner Bros Co-CEOS…
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angry memes humor jokes relatable middle-finger-memes Memes angry aggro-memes funny aggro - 19482373

Angry Memes & Misanthropic Posts For People Who Hate Every Day As Much as Monday

Oh, joy. It's Monday again. Where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday I had my feet propped up on the coffee table, my body wrapped lovingly in a blanket burrito. I can still taste the popcorn and hear the many ditzy nurses on The Bachelor whining about getting dates with Zach S. Maybe that's because this was exactly what I was doing yesterday. My point is that peace and quiet and feeling free of responsibility are both fleeting. As much as we hate Monday for robbing us of our restf…
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humor honest ads cracked jobs jokes funny - 109272321

If Jobs Were Honest | Honest Ads

Nobody likes having to work for “the man.” Looking for said work might be worse than work itself. But what if jobs and employers were honest about the kind of work you'll be doing? Roger Horton investigates.
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Funny Tweets, twitte rjokes, celver tweets

Funny Tweets From Twitter's Masters of Brevity

Twitter is like an uber-productive and relatively consistent joke factory. It's true that some of the time it churns out some real annoying crap that we try to avoid, but we can usually find some clever jokes, hot takes, and surprisingly astute shower thoughts at any point while doomscrolling through the app. Globally, there are over 206 million people who use Twitter daily , so the constant flow of content can feel kind of daunting, but that's why we curate some of the funniest and freshest tw…
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insults, jokes, funny jokes, funny, memes, reddit, ask reddit, reddit thread, clever insults, roasts

Clever Curse-Free Insults From the Poets of Reddit

A good insult is a beautiful thing, and anyone who has spent some time on Reddit knows that many patrons of the infamous website understand the art of the roast. One user recently asked the people of Reddit to share their favorite cuss word-free insults, and boy did r/AskReddit deliver. We've put together a collection of some of our favorite rude remarks from the entertaining thread.
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humor funny jokes twitter jokes lol tweets funny tweets funny - 19381765

Fresh Tweets From the Bored Minds of Twitter (February 16, 2023)

It's okay to admit it. Everyone gets tired of the Internet at a certain point, or at least at some point during the day if your whole job depends on being on it. But more specifically, if you avoid Twitter and have never composed a short and sweet tweet , we really can't blame you. That sick universe can actually be surprisingly intimidating - or downright unpleasant if you say the wrong thing or scroll through the wrong part of Twitter. That said, we do enjoy indulging in the witticisms of the…
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Funny random memes

30+ Memes For Your Hump Day Pleasure

Happy hump day, y'all. I used to think that the phrase “hump day” was created by Camel cigarettes as part of some stupid marketing campaign, but it turns out the phrase has been used since the 1950's. It seems that despite what your Boomer family members might say, people have felt the burden of the 5-day workweek for a very, very long time. And they started using psychological tools like “hump day” to try to make themselves feel better about all the drudgery. Knowing you're at - and joking abo…
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Best Lord of the Rings memes this week

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (February 14, 2023)

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all. Hope you're recovering from all the dips, wings, and other fried foods you probably consumed at the Super Bowl this week. As I pretended to watch the ol' game and refreshed Twitter over and over for memes, my boyfriend made a comment about how football is a very militaristic sport. He likened it to a battlefield, something about lines, whatever. I don't really get the whole nitty gritty of it, but I do appreciate a good battle scene. And what series does battle sce…
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humor jokes random random memes silly memes funny memes Memes lol funny - 19316741

A Melange of Meandering Memes for Monday Entertainment

You've done it! You've really done it. You have survived another debaucherous, boring, or even - healthy - weekend on planet Earth, and now it's time to return to the of the agonizing responsibility of the Monday through Friday workweek. After sleeping for 11 hours straight last night (I'm not one for the Super Bowl) and my rejuvenating therapy session, it is feeling a little easier to bend over for the man and write silly litle blurbs like this one. This particular collection of memes (and twe…
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Funny posts that are technically true

Technically True Posts That Are Hard to Argue With

Have you ever been destroyed by a deviously clever comeback or 'brutal fact' that feels totally wrong but still can't be argued with ? We're talking about the kind of remark that feels illogical or stupid but is technically true and makes you want to simultaneously give the finger to and high five the person who uttered it? You've got to know what we're talking about. And if you're not in the know, then you're probably missing out on the delicious comedy of r/technicallythetruth . The subreddit…
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