

Jesus is a figure in ancient history that is the focal point of one of the largest religions in the world. So it's natural tat any number of jokes and memes come out of a being so famous and well-known. From RaptorJesus to classic memes, there's something for everyone for the father of Christianity.

funny dark humor memes and pics

20 Pictures That Are Perfect for the Dark Humor-Loving Side in All of Us

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Santa WTF?

jesus christmas santa image - 8996107264
Via pleatedjeans

Fine, Offbrand PSL is Fine

jesus water miracle pumpkin spice - 8995150080
Via memewhore

Can He Come to All My Parties?

jesus beer parody image - 8992965120
Via memewhore

So Inspiring

image britney spears memes So Inspiring
Via snaacks

not too far off the truth

Via piecomic

Cheeto Jesus (inspired by Rick Wilson's comments)

jesus donald trump republican - 8806029056
Via Imgur

What would I do?

jesus donald trump republican - 8801779200
Via Imgur

The Corporations Got to Him!

image signs jesus The Corporations Got to Him!
Via automatic-bazooti

If You Ask Dan Brown, He'd Probably Say DJ Khaled Was a Descendant of Jesus

twitter jesus dj khaled If You Ask Dan Brown, He'd Probably Say DJ Khaled Was a Descendant of Jesus
Via @Pierce_Leef

Oh My God!

image twitter jesus Oh My God!
Via @primawesome

Well, That's a Heck of an Endorsement

ads jesus signs Well, That's a Heck of an Endorsement
Via RealStevePrefontaine

Seriously Jesus Was a Hippy

jesus religion hippies web comics - 8762580224
Via nonadventures

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

jesus cars - 8763100672

Dudes Better Be Sprinting out That Last Lap

Via UglyLosAngeles

Lest You Forget This Holiday is Not About Bunnies

jesus hand easter cookies
Via ChopaCopter