
internet explorer

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25+ Tech Memes for People Whose Parents Think They're Computer Geniuses

I'm just a zoomer
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2011, old memes, derpy, 2014, kony 2012, funny memes, rage comic, Memes, meme, 2012, internet explorer, derp, 2013, Rage Comics, justin bieber, funny meme

Classic Memes To Spark Nostalgia For 2012

Where were you in the year of our lord 2012? I distinctly remember that I was in an English exam the minute that the world was supposed to end. Luckily, it did not, and I didn't read John Steinbeck for nothing. For me, 2012 was the year my world went online. It was the first year I had unrestricted internet access, and I was getting exposed to more information than I could properly take in. I would spend hours scrolling through meme websites, looking at different variations of the same image ma…
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Funny memes and tweets about Microsoft's announcement that it would be retiring their browser, Internet Explorer.

Netizens Mourn & Celebrate the Impending Death of Internet Explorer, the Web's Most Memeable Browser

Goodbye sweet prince.
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Late As Always

Funny meme about how internet explorer is always late to things, funny ebola virus, covid-19, coronavirus
Via u/MonkeyLord_11


Funny meme about internet explorer
Via WaluigiFan69
internet explorer vs Microsoft edge memes

'Internet Explorer Vs. Microsoft Edge' Is An Edgy Meme About Upgrading

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Internet Explorer memes and jokes

15 Memes And Pics That'll Make You Feel For Internet Explorer

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object labeling meme pic of a girl tracing the silhouette of a cat onto a paper

'Girl Tracing Cat' Memes Let You Throw Some Major Shade

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Funny memes, power rangers, internet, dank memes, assorted memes, the incredibles, the simpsons, florida man, sushi, porn, king of the hill, alcohol, dating.

20 High Caliber Memes For Your Time-Wasting Pleasure

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Such A Tease

Funny web comic about internet explorer, the icon gets excited when the cursor hovers over it, only to be disappointed when it is put into the recycling bin.
Via Safely Endangered

Let's see who you really are...

internet explorer - 9000627200
Via NeedSomeMusic


internet explorer graphs murder Coincidence?
Via OthelolzNZ

Good Point

internet explorer courage quote Good Point
Via ashleys

A Flash in The Pan

Via Commit Strip

No Worries Here

virus internet explorer - 7126269696
Created by patrick227

Coincidence? I Think NOT!

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