
sounds like, name, naming, surname, funny, weird, interesting

A Kooky Bunch of Name Soundalikes That Come From the Most Unexpected Places

science, biology, chemistry, diagram, weird, funny, interesting, shitposts, nerdy, nerdy memes

Serious Science Diagrams That Look Like Elaborate Jokes

the simpsons, cartoons, history, ancient history, characters, interesting, weird

Hair-Raising Thread Sees 'Simpsons' Fans Find Iconic Characters in Historical Art

askreddit, opinion, opinions, belief, beliefs, important, interesting, reddit thread

Redditors Share the Crucial Things That They Will Never Change Their Minds On

reddit, reddit thread, askreddit, interesting, golden age, innovation

Fascinating Thread Outlines The Golden Ages We Are Currently Living Through

Interesting video about Lord of the Rings African history, tolkien

Fascinating Video Suggests J.R.R. Tolkien Borrowed From African History While Writing His Tales of Middle-earth

Funny stories that sounds fake but are true from twitter

People Share True Stories About Themselves That Sound Made Up

gender, men, women, men vs women, askreddit, askmen, interesting

Men Advise On All the Most Fun Things Women Could Do If They Were the Opposite Gender for One Day

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Matt Damon Eloquently Explains Why They Don't Make Movies Like They Used to on 'Hot Ones'

opinion, opinions, viewpoint, politics, non-political, interesting, twitter

Twitter Users Reveal Their Most Radical but Non-Political Opinions

funny, tumblr, social media, creative, funny tumblr, funny tumblr stories, lol

Highlights And Hijinks From The Recesses Of Tumblr

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Heartwarming Note From A Dad Who Passed Away Was Found 9 Years Later Carrying An Encouraging Message About Beekeeping

Funny history memes, dank history memes, humor, lol

The Best Fresh History Memes We've Seen This Week (8/10/2022)

virtual reality, vr, gaming, kmart, retail, roleplay, technology, weird, interesting, funny twitter

VR Fans Create Realistic Kmart, Take Turns Working There For Fun

wikihow, weird, advice, cursed images, illustrations, hmm, dark humor

Weird & Cursed Wikihow Tips That Might Not Be The Greatest Advice

ask reddit, reddit thread, funny, interesting, creepy, funny comments, wtf, horror, scary

Amusing Things That Are Normal at 3PM but Terrifying at 3AM