
cosplay, costume, cool, characters, fictional characters, interesting

Creative Dude Delights Internet With Budget Cosplays

Cracked explores the reasons that recently deceased Kevin Conroy was the best Batman of all time

5 Times Kevin Conroy Was The Best Batman

‘I Spy With My Little Eye...’ : 20 Unusual and Confusing Perspectives From the Funny Lens of a Camera

‘I Spy With My Little Eye...’ : 20 Unusual and Confusing Perspectives From the Funny Lens of a Camera

names, name, naming, kids, adults, friends, coworkers, people, weird, unique, interesting, twitter thread

Twitter Users Share The Strangest and Most Unique Names They've Ever Seen

Random Batch of 24 Weird and Blursed Pics Collected From the Depths of the Most Unusual Subreddits Known To Mankind

Random Batch of 24 Weird and Blursed Pics Collected From the Depths of the Most Unusual Subreddits Known To Mankind

‘I Spy With My Little Eye...’ : 28 Unusual and Confusing Perspectives From the Funny Lens of a Camera

‘I Spy With My Little Eye...’ : 28 Unusual and Confusing Perspectives From the Funny Lens of a Camera

money, poor, broke, jobs, work, capitalism, anti work, reddit thread, relatable, interesting

Frustrated People Explain How Being Poor is Actually Really Expensive

dreams, dream, dreaming, food, gross food, weird, interesting

A Collection of Wacky Culinary Creations That Came to People in Dreams

funny, reddit, reddit thread, memes, weird, funny comments, interesting, lol, wtf, creepy, twisted, cursed

People Share Things That Are Technically Legal But Comically Twisted

babies, girls, names, naming, creative, weird, wtf, twitter memes, funny twitter

Twitter Spitballs "Beautiful" Female Baby Names with Predictably Chaotic Results

 twitter thread, twitter, opinion, opinions, right, wrong, argument, interesting

Twitter Users Share Their Benign Unpopular Opinions

mortician, cremation, death, dying, body, bodies, gross, interesting, tiktok

Former Mortician Shares Gross Observations From the Job

chores, advice, tips, how to, dishwasher, interesting, tiktok

People Are Bamboozled by Grandma's Tips for Correctly Loading the Dishwasher

walking, walkability, cities, public space, community, interesting, tiktok

Dude Explains Why the U.S. Needs More Walkable Cities

internet, website, websites, twitter thread, twitter, useful, interesting, life hacks

Valuable Thread Reveals Some Of The Most Useful Websites On The Internet

Weird and surprising facts that don't seem real, but they are, true facts that sound like lies, fake

Fake-Sounding Facts That Are Certified Legit