

People mock influencer for disgusting posts with bare feet, reading

Influencer's Crusty Barefoot Gym Behavior Disgusts the People of Twitter

It's a well-known fact that January is probably the worst month to be a gym member . While it's never fun to share equipment (or space, or smells) with a host of strangers, the discomfort increases tenfold at the beginning of the year, when amateurs sign up for new memberships as part of their New Year's resolutions. The presence of these newbies can be jarring, and, in some cases, can actually influence people to stop going to the gym for a while. They'll wait to return until the influx subsid…
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mom, parents, parenting, children, babies, kids, beige, aesthetic, influencer, sad, funny twitter

'Sad Beige' Mommy Influencers Spark Ridicule for Obsession With Boring Aesthetics

Werner Herzog a** babies
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models, cringe, fake, photoshop, influencer, instagram vs reality, body image, body positivity, make up, retouching, instagram, facebook, social media

Stark Reminders That Instagram is Not Reality

Ever scroll through Instagram for so long that your soul starts to fill with dread? You're not alone. Facebook's extensive internal research showed that Instagram makes body image issues worse for one in three teenage girls. In September, the Wall Street Journal reported on Facebook's research and the data lays bare what we all knew was true deep down. Still, even those acutely aware that Instagram poisons the mind with FOMO and insecurity continue to use the app. At some point, a precedent was
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mom, influencer, kids, daughter, christmas, gifts, presents, meltdown, debate, controversy, tiktok, twitter

Mommy Influencer Sparks Controversy With Meltdown Over Kid Opening Everybody's Christmas Presents

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weird chicken nugget thirst trap video commercial

Insanely Creative Videographer Makes a Thirst Trap Video for a Chicken Nugget and It's Making Everyone Hungry

Shawty looking like a snack
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weekly update, news, internet news, social media, internet, elon musk, kanye west, liver king, pilk, lindsay lohan, pepsi, influencer

Weekly Internet Roundup: Liver King is Fake, Pilk is Real, and Ye Just Gets Worse

Plus: the obligatory Elon Muskdate.
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liver king, meat, steroids, muscles, influencer, exposed, supplements, instagram, twitter

Carnivorous Influencer Liver King Gets Busted for Using Steroids

The raw organs are a lie
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pettyrevenge | "The owner shows up to see how we’re doing while we have the dog on the porch. We make some small talk, and he mentions that we didn’t indicate we were bringing a dog."

'We didn’t indicate we were bringing a dog': Entitled Airbnb guest brings dog without telling host, is surprised when host leaves them a negative review

Almost universally, we have a tendency to trust the narrative of the narrator when it comes to stories we see online. We seldom stop to pause and take a look at the other perspectives that the context offers us: When you're reading a story your favorite influencer or personality is telling about some aggressive Karen they met at a festival, do you ever stop to think, "Why did that complete stranger take offense to them?" Sure there are some wildly unhinged persons in this world who have the ten…
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Tiktoker SHows Exactly What It's Like Traveling With Your Dad| thumbnail text - we only have three hours, tiktok, travelign with your dad, man

Tiktoker Shows Exactly What It's Like Traveling With Your Dad, From Cringy Dad Jokes to the Constant Distrust That You Brought Your Passport

But seriously, do you have your boarding pass?
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AnnaLynne McCord, influencer, celebrity twitter, cringe, putin, russia, ukraine, wtf, facepalm, roast, russia, memes, twitter memes

Actress Recites Bizarre Poem to Putin in Mortifying Video, Gets Brutally Roasted

In times of crisis, cringe is inevitable, it seems. Especially on Twitter. Remember back in 2020 when Gal Gadot and a bunch of other Hollywood stars sang John Lennon's “Imagine” in one of the most impressive displays of cringe the internet had ever seen? Well it seems that influencers and celebs haven't learned a thing from that atrocity. They just can't help themselves. This week's Main Character is actor Dear Mister President Vladimir Putin… — AnnaLynne McCord (@IAM…
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viral videos, public freakout, free money, felony, crime, bank robbery, funny, funny video, cash, twitter thread, reddit, stupid people, san diego, influencer

Influencer Gets Roasted for Incriminating Herself After Armored Car Spills Cash Onto Freeway

Free money or felony waiting to happen?
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memorial, berlin, influencer, holocaust, photos, photograph, disrespectful, why

Influencer Causes Outrage By Posing On Holocaust Memorial

Not a good look
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Cringey influencer poses in front of father's open casket, twitter reacts

Influencer Inspires Ridicule After Posing in Front of Father's Open Casket

You'd think that by now people would stop t aking photos with or in front of dead or dying people . But, alas. Every month brings a new and impressively tone deaf person to our screens, practically begging to be taken down by the pitchforks of the internet. Today's focus is on Miami influencer Jayne Rivera, who used her now-deleted Instagram account to share a series of very posed photos - in front of her father's open casket. this Instagram model’s father passed away,,,, and she did a photo sh…
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tiktok, twitter, baby, birth, new mom, influencer, grifter, why, money, fans

TikToker Causes Controversy By Selling Photos Of Newborn Baby To Fans

Is this going towards the college fund?
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food, corncob, food waste, corn syrup, honey, vegan, twitter, instagram, reels, funny twitter

Eco Influencer Gets Roasted For Reinventing Corn Syrup As ‘Vegan Honey’

We all know by now that processed food is the devil. It's full of all the unhealthy food groups and scary sounding chemicals, and it gets made in ways that are enough to put you off ordering Taco Bell until the munchies come back again. If you decide to do the processing yourself, though? Totally different ball game. This seems to be the logic of one influencer, who promotes a low waste, sustainable lifestyle. Kathryn Kellogg raised some eyebrows recently for posting a video of her making what …
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tiktok, youtube, lael hansen, billie eilish, stupid people, marketing, influencer, videos, roast, cringe, clout chaser

Cringe YouTuber Gets Roasted for Begging Followers to Pre-Save Her Music

Lael Hansen is a former YouTuber who has gained over 1 million subscribers over the years for her reaction videos. Now Lael's on TikTok and she's doing something a little different. The 21-year-old internet personality has moved on to music, and she's attempting to use viral marketing to get her career off the ground. In a recent TikTok that now has over 9 million views, Lael begs her followers to pre-save her new song 'My Life is Boring' on Spotify. She says, 'I'm an artist from the middle of n
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