

Safety First

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WTF Is Sustainability

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Let's All Blame Swagflation

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Knowledge Is Power,

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Well, That Won't Work

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Homophobia: The Fear That Gay Men Will Treat You The Way You Treat Women

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Via Cartoon Politics

Pretty Much the Definition of Bad Idea

18 funny marriage idiots - 7939817472

Nottingham Gamer Mistakenly Spent £450 on a Photo of an Xbox One on eBay

gamers idiots news xbox one Video Game Coverage - 7939689472
Via Nottinghampost

I'm Only Telling You This Once...

instructions idiots people - 7938112768

All Hope Is Lost

funny idiots wisdom wtf - 7936450560

Brazilian Gaming in a Nutshell

gamers idiots PlayStation 4 wtf - 7936497920

Never Admit to This

funny justin bieber idiots zombie wtf - 7934738688

Hey Lady! Don't Off Yourself Here

gifs funny idiots yikes - 7919323392
Created by ToolBee

Beware of Large Groups

black friday funny idiots - 7925978368

The Best Kind of Drunk

drunk business funny idiots train - 7916361728

Smart Move, Dude

cops FAIL gifs driving idiots funny - 7905576704
Created by ToolBee