

humor geek star wars memes star wars geeky memes jokes Lord of the Rings funny memes lotr memes lol nerdy memes funny - 20694789

Nerdy Memes That Mix Star Wars With The Lord of the Rings

Every week we churn out a hefty helping of memes inspired by (or featuring scenes from) The Lord of the Rings . Lately, we've been offering up the same for fans of Star Wars. Is it bold of us to assume that there's some overlap where their fans are concerned? Apparently not. In fact, we'd wager that these Star Wars / LOTR crossover memes count as pretty good proof. This particular mix of Tolkien-ized Star Wars memes mostly features characters and meme formats from the prequels, which makes sens…
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humor star wars memes star wars jokes prequel memes funny memes lol funny - 20695045

Star Wars Memes For Fans of Every Spinoff (May 27, 2023)

It's hard to dislike Star Wars. The original series has given birth to movies and series that are incredibly varied in nature. Even my most opinionated and snobby film friends can get behind Andor, and that's saying something. In this carefully curated gallery, we've assembled a collection of Star Wars memes that span from the original trilogy to the prequels, delivering a delightful blend of nostalgia and hilarity. We're willing to bet that this gallery, with its memes sourced from the depths…
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history memes humor history jokes roman-history World History funny - 20686597

30+ History Memes For Internet Historians

Hey, did you know that the Gallipoli front during World War I was a total disaster? British veterans who were there called it one of the worst military campaigns ever. Crazy, right? I actually found out about it from some random history meme that I just had to Google. As it turns out, when the Brits weren't busy fighting the Ottoman Empire, they were dealing with swarms of flies from rotting bodies, running out of water, scorching heat, lice, dysentery, and not enough food. It was a pretty nast…
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Funny random memes and tweets, and some cute animal memes too

Memes & Tweets With an Extra Sprinkling of Cute Animal Antics

Oh yeah, baby. It 's Friday, y'all. But does the coming of Friday really mean all that much? As I get older, the arrival of Friday seems to bring less and less satisfaction. It's true that I can go out and party until 6 am without much work-related consequence (like, I won't get fired), but with age comes brutal hangovers, extra dehydration, and the dreaded brain fog that makes even simply existing a trial all its own. Moaning and groaning my way through Saturday and Sunday sounds like hell - a…
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Top 22 Mildly Interesting Pics to 'Huh' At

Top 22 Mildly Interesting Pics to 'Huh' At

Well then would you look at that
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Funny random memes

A Lazy Susan of Tasty Meme Morsels

Diets suck. I should know - I recently embarked on a weight loss journey with the help of a little thing called ‘Weight Watchers.’ Now that every food is ascribed points and I'm left to add up the
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Funny posts from Best of NextDoor

Funny Times Nextdoor Brought the Petty to the Neighborhood

Out here in New York City, most of us have too many neighbors to bother getting to know them. or communicate with anyone. While there are a few neighborhood or block associations that strive to bring the community together, but they can be pretty insular. People in my neighborhood don't use sites like Nextdoor to communicate. It's usually a quick "How ya doin?" or, when something is amiss, a quick complaint session on the sidewalk. Thanks to the Internet, we know that this is not the case in th…
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humor marijuana 420 jokes stoners 420 memes Memes weed memes weed - 20640517

Weed Memes For the Kind of People Who Celebrate 4/20

What up, weed enthusiasts! It hasn't been too long since New York City has officially legalized marijuana, but the signs are literally everywhere. Dispensaries, legal or not, seem to be on every street. The air reeks of weed smoke, which probably pisses some people off. As a true blue native New Yorker who's been blazing since high school, I couldn't be happier to get a whiff on my way to work. To honor the new normal, I've put together a very 420-related collection of memes. From hilarious enc…
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humor twitter mosquitos mosquito jokes relatable cool-tweets lol twitter memes tweets funny tweets mildly interesting funny - 20671237

Fresh and Funny Quips From the Best of Twitter (May 25, 2023)

While I'm more clever in person than I may seem here, there are certain things I struggle with. It's hard for me to finish writing that I've started for myself. Long-form, I mean. I'm scared to commit to endings. That said, I also happen to struggle with really short form as well, namely tweets. As hard as I've tried to go viral for a funny observation about life or a silly anecdote, they kind of fall flat. Perhaps it's due to the high levels of self-deprecation . We may never know. Fortunately…
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being an adult adulthood humor jokes funny relatable adulting funny memes relatable memes adulting memes - 19760389

30+ Adulting Memes For the Millennials In the Struggle

Being an adult sounded great when I was like, thirteen. I had it all figured out: My best friend Jane and I would move into her uncle's cottage in England. He's a big-time director and owned Beatrix Potter's house. It was going to be amazing. Driving old range rovers around the estate, listening to the Cure and the Clash, and eating (and drinking) like queens. Judging by the fact that I'm living in a tenement here in Brooklyn, and she's living with her mother-in-law in New Jersey, things haven'…
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humor jokes nerdy funny memes Memes lol funny dungeons and dragons - 20658181

A Decent Crop of Scrollable Memes

As a lowly office worker, reaching the end of hump day can feel like a small victory against the agonizing monotony of the Monday-Friday workweek. Hump day, known to some as Wednesday, is nestled between the arduous beginning and the eagerly awaited end of the week. It's a day that embodies both exhaustion and a glimmer of hope, as we trudge through the remaining workdays, inching closer to a weekend of relative freedom. In our office, conversations revolve around the struggle to stay focused,…
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Funny random memes and tweets

An Entirely Adequate Collection of Entertaining Tweets and Memes

Today I congratulated myself for making the bed, and also for finishing my coffee before it was cold. I may not have drank a 16 oz glass of water like I had plugged into my productivity app, but listen. Nobody's perfect. Not even Keanu Reeves. I'm sure he has a devious thought every now and then, or orders Uber Eats instead of cooking his own meals. Anyway, the obsession with perfection, productivity, and self-care is getting ridiculous. Even my therapist agrees. We set such high bars for ourse…
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Cute and funny cat memes and photos for fun people

Cute and Funny Cat Memes For Proud Cat People (May 24, 2023)

Greetings, cat lovers. There's not much I can say about our furry little feline friends that other people on the Internet haven't said before. That's especially true for our sister sites on Cheezburger. The truth is that cats rule everything around me. Some commenters razz me for my “sad cat lady” ways, but it doesn't get to me. I know that my cat obsession and self-deprecating humor are not particularly unique on the Internet. In fact, judging by the sheer volume of cat memes, articles, and pi…
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20 Best Oldest Child Tweets for the Siblings Who Grew Up As Commander in Chief at Home

20 Oldest Child Tweets for the Siblings Who Grew Up As Commander in Chief at Home

Sorry not sorry, still love you thooooo
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humor geeky memes final fantasy Lord of the Rings tolkien lord of the rings memes lotr memes nerdy memes tolkien tuesday - 20640261

A Fellowship of Lord of the Rings Memes For Tolkien Fans (May 23, 2023)

Happy Tuesday, y'all. Today may not be my favorite day of the week, but it's one of my favorite days to work. That's because I get to indulge my nerdy side and collect a ton of Lord of the Rings memes for Tolkien appreciators such as myself. Every week hundreds of LOTR-related memes are shared on Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram, and thanks to their creators, I can now share them with you. While I normally get a good chuckle or two during the process of meme collection, this week I actually lear…
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Top 22 Classical Art Memes for Roaming Balladeers Singing Old Tunes (May 23, 2023)

Top 22 Classical Art Memes for Roaming Balladeers Singing Old Tunes (May 23, 2023)

Tee hee
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