

Seize The Means Of Production!

Caption that reads, "English teacher explaining proper nouns: 'Don't forget to capitalize!'" above a pic of Karl Marx
Via NSFWSpaceMagnet

My Biggest Fear As A Kid

Pic of a dog with a sly look on his face with text overlay that reads, "I've eaten your homework and no one will believe one"
Via SuitablyBored

Well, That Does Kind Of Makes Sense

Tweet that reads, "In middle school I typed an entire paper while clicking the space bar twice between each word because I thought that's what double-spaced meant"
Via BigFuckingRocket

Fooled Ya, Teach

Caption that reads, "When a teacher says you can't use Wikipedia as a reference so you use the references from Wikipedia as the source" above a still of Dave Chappelle saying, "Modern problems require modern solutions"
Via capttaain

'But First, Coffee'

Caption that reads, "Back of laptop: *exists;* College girls with stickers: ..." above a pic of someone slapping a sponge against a pane of glass
Via SwAg_LaMp

Who Writes These Questions...

Caption that reads, "That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works" above a pic of a math question that reads, "An orchestra of 120 players takes 40 minutes to play Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. How long would it take for 60 players to play the Symphony? Let P be number of players and T the time playing"
Via hachille

Aww What A Nice Thief

Tweet about someone's roommate, who got their laptop stolen; thief sent them an email asking if they needed any college note files back from their computer
Via anlyin

Calm Down There Buddy

Tweet where someone says 'Good morning' to a nursing major and the nursing major goes off about how much studying they have to do
Via jakethecrown7
cover image about failing assignments, writing a research paper and it doesn't make sense

14 College Memes To Keep Those Midterm Blues At Bay

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It's All Truly BS

Tweet about how fake college discussion boards are
Via meowmeeowmeoww
funny memes about college students

17 Relatable College Memes For The Beyond-Vexed Student

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Brandon Better Have Gotten An A

Caption that reads, "Probably the best essay introduction I've read in a while" above a ridiculous intro to an essay about Rosa Parks written by a high school student
Via JustAWeirdLoser

Well, That's One Way To Do It

Caption reads, "Pretty sure my kid is a genius" above a school assignment that asked students to put words in alphabetical order; kid instead puts the letters of each respective word in order
Via Blownpooter
funny high school memes

16 Humorous Memes That'll Accurately Sum Up Your High School Experience

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homework college students college humor college memes back to school finals week final exams post malone donald trump kim kardashian university - 6491909

17 Humorous College Memes To Help You Kick The Year Off Right

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Get Outta Here With That Shizz

Pic of the Pink Panther looking sad on a bench under the caption, "When back to school commercials start appearing on TV"
Via Dustyfunk