

High as a kite... In the air whatchu talking about Willis? Whether you're at great altitude, in body or mind, you'll find plenty of high reaching memes and puns to keep you busy up there in the clouds.

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Woman Gets Stoned Before Family Gathering to Avoid Becoming Designated Babysitter

That's taking the high road
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stoner memes, weed memes, marijuana, dank memes, dumb memes, 420 memes, 4/20, drugs, high, stoned, legalize it, memes, pothead

A Dank Stash of Weed Memes for Stoners Celebrating 4/20

Happy 4/20, fellow potheads and weed freaks. Ready to blast off with some jazz cabbage or what? Actually, I gotta be honest with you. I'm not much of a stoner. In fact, I've don't even smoke weed anymore. The only THC I consume is from extremely low-dose gummies from a legal dispensary, and one box-full lasts me about five months. Sixteen-year-old me would probably be ashamed. How did I ever smoke an entire tightly-packed bowl of weed to myself without having a nervous breakdown? It is a myster…
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Stupid, funny, dumb, and weird things people did while high, stoned, smoking marijuana, bong rip, weed, 4/20

Weird & Dumb Things People Did While High

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dank memes, funny memes, weed memes, marijuana, legalize it, 4/20, 420 memes, stoner memes, relatable memes, spicy memes, drug memes, high, weed, funny, memes

25 Dank Memes For Stoners In A Celebratory Mood

Happy 4/20
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Oh Sorry Man, Didn't See Ya There

Funny meme that reads, "When you so high you accidentally roll your homie into a joint" above a medieval painting of two men holding a third men who is wrapped up like a burrito
Via ReduceReuseRecycledMemes

High Thoughts

Funny meme that reads, "The youngest picture of you is the oldest picture of you" above pics of a guy looking shocked
Via LeoSenior
Funny video of Joe Rogan being too high to function on his own show

Joe Rogan Gets Too High On His Own Show

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cover image about Catnip affecting cats

14 Funny AF Pics Of Cats Tripping Out On Catnip

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Drop It Like It's Hot

Caption that reads, "When 420 falls on Easter weekend" above a pic of Snoop Dogg dressed up as the Easter bunny
Via onlythelonely1
420 memes. stoned, marijuana

16 420 Memes For Enthusiasts Of The Jazz Cabbage

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Really Dangerous

Caption that reads, "The dangers of marijuana" above pics of a stoned person who tried to microwave Hot Pockets several times after forgetting each time
Via gordan12

Happens All The Time

Caption that reads, "When you're high as f*ck so you decide to knock all your friends out with a deer you found" above an illustration of a guy swinging around a deer at his friends
Via FoxInZox

That Was The Sh*t

Sign that reads, "I've spent my whole adult life chasing the high of a Scholastic book fair"
Via kerrykitty

Stay Away From Marijuana, Kids

Tumblr pic of a shower with text that reads, "Marijuana addicts don't know what this is;" someone comments below with, "Why is it raining indoors?"
Via aLilBlindKid

He Tried And That's All That Matters

Headline that reads, "Man on LSD Saves Dog from Imaginary Fire"
Via Shonisaurus

420 Feet Up, Blaze It

funny memes i get paid to get high
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