

Ever look at your hand and wonder how something so incredible could have been created? This is hands down the best place to find anything funny and 'punny' about hands. So if you've ever asked yourself which hand would be best to write with, the answer is neither you should write with a pen what's the matter with you?

Joke's On You; I Use My Left

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Created by GeorgeMcBob

Le No Touching Le Privés

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Created by magicien_buzz


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Created by helkdona226

Your Hand Will Never Say No, Though

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Created by stevieb0y

We're Gonna Take It to the Next Level

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Created by Unknown

Forever Alone: I Kept Lookin' at My Watch

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See all captions Created by gmmygmmy

Hand Brain

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Created by butterflyperception

Rage Comics: Remember the First Rule

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Created by VWbusofdestiny

She Gave You the Disease

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Created by Unknown

Wanna Sign Her Cast?

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Uno Me Gusta Up

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Created by Nikki

The New iFriend

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Created by ImpurePD

Choose Your Own Adventure!

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Created by KittehBoy1963

This Is Why He Is Crying

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Created by Garf

How's His Head Going to Fit Through There?

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Created by maxystone

Barack Obombing

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Created by hurricane567