
Ever look at your hand and wonder how something so incredible could have been created? This is hands down the best place to find anything funny and 'punny' about hands. So if you've ever asked yourself which hand would be best to write with, the answer is neither you should write with a pen what's the matter with you?

Hall of Fame hand hands Image literalism punception shape soap - 5073371648

Hand Soap

double meaning hand Image literalism shape soap voting-page - 6542129152

Hand Soap

hand Image literalism palm Palm Tree shape tree voting-page wrong - 4578762240


cyanide-happiness double meaning hand Image misinterpretation voting-page word choice - 4232526080


double meaning Hall of Fame hand Image innuendo jobs literalism steve jobs - 6451004416

He Wants to Touch Your Turtleneck

answer double meaning hand Image literalism question twitter - 6541058048

He's a Big Fan of Wares That Don't Cost an Arm and a Leg

facebook Hall of Fame hand Image innuendo relationship solo - 5746448384

Hooray... Friendship...

Hall of Fame ham hand hands Image literalism lyrics mii misinterpretation similar sounding song wii - 6112050688

My Favorite Neil Diamond Song

star wars similar sounding added letter Han Solo hand - 7066663680

But How Fast Can He Make the Kessel Run?

cards double meaning flush hand Image literalism poker - 5870863360

It's the Most Important Kind of Flush

hand chicken added letter literalism Image - 6643129088

John Handcock