
Hall of Fame

The hall of fame - the pinnacle of achievement in whatever sport or activity you might participate in, even Tiddly Winks.

Like My Heavy Metal T-Shirt?

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Created by LOLdogexpert ( Via Think Geek )

No Bun Intended

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Via Doodlecat

I Feel Like This Pun Really Cymbalizes the Nature of Suffering for Art

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Via Twaggies

My Chemical Romance

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This Post Brought to You by Saint Anger

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Created by jiujitsubuddah

I (Tell-Tale) Heart This Song!

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Via Reddit

The Only Kind I Like

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Via Screen Hog

This Seems All Too Logical to Me...

double meaning Hall of Fame literalism transformation - 6432668160

Hold the Scotch, She's Watching Her Weight

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Created by Darkddmaster

These Are Fonts You'll Never Forget!

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Via John Atkinson

That's One Trick This Dog Can't Be Taught

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Via The Joy Cannon

It's Really Just a Fact You Have to Accept

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Via Punblr

All the Advice You Could Ever Knead

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Via Pleated Jeans

Transformers, Stay Positive!

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Created by Lucky810

Word Choice Matters

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Via Life is Story

Olli Jokinen Totally Looks Like Goomba

funny goomba Hall of Fame TLL - 6378201088