

Funny memes using venn diagrams

Venn Diagram Memes That Are Way More Funny Than Useful

Diagrams are supposed to simplify information. In school, venn diagrams were definitely my favorite. It felt like that was the case for everyone. Bar graphs? Lame. Pie chart? They are somewhat better. But nothing compares to the curvature of a proper venn diagram. The overlapping themes are a joy to acknowledge, and the charts are easily converted into extra clever memes and astute observations. While we appreciate a venn diagram that offers us some important information, there's something a bi…
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scientific diagrams that look like shitposts, memes, funny, science diagrams, scientific illustration, weird pics, funny pics, educational, textbooks

40+ Scientific Diagrams & Odd Textbook Images That Look Like Memes

These pics are begging to be meme'd
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cover image for list of funny pie charts with examples of what i do at work and pie charts i don't understand

15 Pie Chart Memes That'll Give Your Life A Fresh Perspective

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funny graphs

15+ Charts That Will Accurately Sum Up Your Entire Life

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Statistics from Pornhub, 2017 statistics, pron, rick and morty, sex, porn stars, kim kardashian. | Porn hub 2017 YEAR REVIEW 28.5 BILLION ANNUAL VISITS PORNHUB Pornhub 81MILLION DAILY AVERAGE VISITS 25 BILLION SEARCHES PERFORMED 50,000 SEARCHES PER MINUTE 800 SEARCHES PER SECOND 4,052,543 VIDEOS UPLOADED 11 HOURS PORN UPLOADED 24hH 1 24,811 DAYS 68 YEARS 595,482 HOURS DATA TRANSFERRED 3,732 PETABYTES 10,225,205 GB PER DAY 426,050 GB PER HOUR 7,101 GB PER MINUTE 118 GB PER SECOND 'S ENOUGH DATA F

Pornhub's Year In Review Reveals The World's Sauciest Statistics

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funny web comics, charts, and graphs about Thanksgiving.

These Thanksgiving Charts And Graphs Are Totally On Point

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Funny charts and graphs about daily struggles, love, uber, tinder, dating. Everything drawn on White board by Matt Shirley.

18 Hilariously Accurate Nuggets Of Whiteboard Wisdom

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An Accurate Graph

Funny mee about DMX.
Via dankmemesgang
Funny graphs and pie charts about hating people and being alone.

12 People-Hating Charts For All The Misanthropes Out There

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Funny charts and graphs about the life cycles of memes.

14 Charts That Attempt To Explain The Crazy Life Cycle Of Memes

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Statistics Show

Pie chart showing how introverts make friends, being adopted by extroverts or by hanging out with dogs.
Via Wholesome Memes

There Is a Limit to How Many Star Wars Trilogies Will Be Made. Can Only Fit So Many Buns on a Head

star wars buns graphs image - 8983253248
Via michaelfirman

Well.... "That Escalated Quickly" Escalated Quickly

that escalated quickly graphs google Well.... "That Escalated Quickly" Escalated Quickly
Via memewhore


internet explorer graphs murder Coincidence?
Via OthelolzNZ
post it graphs

This Guy's Post-It Note Graphs Illustrate Some of Life's Most 'Too Real' Moments

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millennial problems

The True Understanding to Millennial Problems Can Be Explained on This Guy's Instagram

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