

Neener Neener!

government Protest comics web comics police - 8420884992
Created by tamaleknight

This Is How You Teach Lessons

anarchy government idiots funny - 8420972032

The Government is Telling Lies

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Via Poorly Drawn Lines

How Does a Bill Become a Law?

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Via What Would Thomas Jefferson Do

Everything is Going Great

government sad but true politics web comics - 8377953792
Via Velabas

6 Totally Easy Tips for Getting Ahead in Today's Economy

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Via Medium

The Story of the Government

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So Then Do Two Wrongs Make a Right?

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If the Government Wants to Solve Problems They Better Read This

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Created by FatherofGray ( Via Medium )

The Hypocrisy of Everyday Vice

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Via C Section Comics

Trust Us

guns government - 8251215360

The Government is Telling Lies

government sad but true web comics - 8202375680
Via Poorly Drawn Lines
history government declaration of independence Video School of FAIL - 62256385

The Declaration of Independence

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The Government Doesn't Want to Take Them, They Just Want to Have a Waiting Period Before You Buy More

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Via Mandatory Roller Coaster

Washington Redskins Trademark Canceled by US Patent Office Saying the Name is Disparaging

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Via Think Progress

I Think They'd Ignore It

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