

Every Time

Funny meme about Google chrones.
Via Difrozen


Funny meme about searching for a song on google when you only know the melody.
Via @memebase
Google Thanos, google search easter egg, search thanos, marvel, avengers: endgame, avengers, marvel cinematic universe.

Google's Thanos Easter Egg Is Major Spoiler-Free Fun

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This Is Getting Real Creepy

Caption that reads, "When ads start popping up for stuff I've only thought about inside my head" above a pic of Michelle from Full House pointing out guns
Via IcyDeath25

These Are Very Important Questions

Pic of a Google search that reads, "Can Jesus..." with auto-populated fields about whether he can microwave a burrito
Via KingRememberedInTime1

Oh God!!

Caption that reads, "*Googles symptoms;* Web MD: You already died; Me: ..." above a pic of a woman looking distressed in a hospital gown
Via UrBoiNoNo
Miscellaneous random memes for procrastination

38 Miscellaneous Memes That Serve No Purpose Other Than Comedy

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In Your FACE

Caption that reads, "When you and your friend argue and Google confirms your dominant intellect" above a pic of an ancient Greek statue holding up another guy's head
Via cottoncandies
Twitter thread about internet, facebook, information

Eye-Opening Twitter Thread Will Seriously Freak You Out About Internet Privacy

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adorable wholesome meme, happy memes

17 Adorable Wholesome Memes That'll Make Your Heart Sing A Happy Little Song

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Not Again

Funny meme about signing onto google account from a different browser.
Via hilarioushumorfromouterspace

Just As I Suspected

Caption that reads, "Well...would you look at that" above a pic of a Google map with "Someone better than me" googled at the top, and a pop-up notification below that reads, "No results"
Via MrWeemsicle

Pls I Have 2 Know

Caption that reads, "'I'm gonna go to bed early today;' Me at 3am: ..." above a Google search for "How tall is Jesus"
Via meowmeeowmeoww
wtf facts that will blow your mind

14 Totally True Facts That'll Warp Your Mind

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object labeling meme pic of a girl tracing the silhouette of a cat onto a paper

'Girl Tracing Cat' Memes Let You Throw Some Major Shade

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Stop That Google

Tweet that reads, "Me: logs into gmail on another device; Google:...." above a picture of a SWAT team breaking down a door into someone's house
Via binhood