
funny signs

funny, funny signs, funny notes, neighbors, renting, memes, wtf, lol, memes, new york

Funny & Strange Notes Neighbors Left in Building Lobbies

Thanks to the impressive popularity of @whatisnewyork, hundreds of renters regularly send the account all the hilariously weird and passive aggressive notes they find in the apartment complex lobbies of New York City. Seeing these notes all in one place really paints a picture of the woes of renting in a tenement full of high-strung, stressed-out, irritable people. Though, to be fair, not all the notes are full of rage. Some bold neighbors use lobbies, laundry rooms, and elevators as their perso
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scary signs, funny signs, memes, funny pics, weird pics, warning signs

20 Troubling Signs That Aren't Messing Around

We get the message
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dank memes, dumb memes, funny memes, meme dump, random memes, funny signs, funny pics, tumblr memes, memes, animal memes, funny, lol, relatable memes, spicy memes

An Offering of Pretty Good Memes for Humor-Deprived Brains

Your memes are ready
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hot dog memes, hot dogs, cursed food, food memes, funny memes, shitposts, funny signs, glizzy, tiktok, funny videos, fast food, facebook, cursed, memes, weird memes, fast food

Cursed Glizzies & Hot Dogs With Threatening Auras

According to Wikipedia , ‘Rule 34’ is an ‘internet maxim which asserts that Internet pornography exists concerning every conceivable topic.' We think there should be a ‘Rule 35’ for Facebook groups. If you've ever thought about a thing, there's probably a Facebook group dedicated to it. Most of them have only one or two followers, created solely to serve as the punchline of a joke. But some of the most absurd groups inexplicably have hundreds of thousands of active members. One of these groups …
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funny memes, memes, funny signs, vandalism, funny vandalism, funny graffiti, funny, reddit, clever, funny pics | LOST GOLD RING Simple gold band with cutouts my family four generations If found please contact Nice Try, Sauron. | two guys covering part of the word sin to make a sign say HOMO SEX IS IN

20 Funny Signs & Clever Vandalisms

Memes in real life
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Funny images of park signs that make fun of 2020 | Three Sisters Park 2020 IS MY NEW SWEAR WORD 'S LOAD 2020 2020 SHUT 2020 UP | Three Sisters Park MOST USELESS PURCHASE 2019 2020 PLANNER

The Horrors Of 2020 Conveyed By 18 Humorous Signs

Can 2020 just go away already?
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Funny and cringey design fails, coronavirus fail, covid-19, clever signs, facepalm | COVID-19 PANDEMIC PREMIER SAYS CAN CHOOSE STORY ENDS TORONTO couple Indian state Chhattisgarh has named their newborn twins Corona and Covid | Winter Garden ANIMAL HOSPITAL RE STILL HERE UNLIKE BASKIN'S HUSBAND! CAROLE MICHE MOTIVE 3- MOWER SHOP 407-877-3900

50 Facepalm-Worthy Fails & Sassy Signs

Bring on the cringe.
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A Cause We Can Get Behind

Funny sign that reads, "Why is sleeping in considered lazy but going to bed early isn't? I am starting the #AllSleepMatters movement"
Via KickMyBallsRealHard
bad office jokes that make work more bearable

15 Times Office Smartasses Owned Their Coworkers With Terrible Jokes

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rules first world anarchists signs directions funny pics rebel funny signs white people - 8140549

17 Softcore Anarchists Who'll Make You Want Your Mommy

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Straight Ouch

Caption that reads, "Me to my crush: I think I have feelings for you; My crush: ..." above a pic of a shopping center sign that says "Big K"
Via Buff_Blitz123
Funny advertising, funny business, funny marketing, signs, creative.

22 Admirable Shows Of Advertising And Branding Prowess

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Don't Sneak Up On Me Like That, Christ

Caption that reads, "Jesus scares" above a pic of a church sign that appears to read the same, next to an illustration of Jesus sneaking up on Mary as if to scare her
Via Scrillabud

RIP Pete

Sign that reads, "This is a velociraptor-free workplace - it has proudly been 6 days since the last incident" with a small pic of a guy and a post-it next to it that reads, "We miss you Pete"
Via somethingNH

Thanks Cloakman!

Neighborhood sign that warns people about "Cloakman," imitating a neighborhood crime watch sign
Via battlemage64
Funny protest signs, candy crush

17 Clever Protest Signs That We Can Get Behind

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