
funny parents

funniest parenting memes

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (February 10, 2023)

How many times can your kid say to you, "look at this!" Turns out the limit does not exist...
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dads, kids, dad jokes, funny kids, funny parents, moms, parenting, dad, funny parenting tweets, funny tweets, cute kids, parenting tweets, funny twitter, mom, parents, funny parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (February 9, 2023)

Parents love to document every milestone their kid reaches. A child's first steps, first word, and first day of school are all recorded carefully by their mom and dad so they can relive that memory for years to come. However, the most memorable moments of a kid's life usually happen when the cameras aren't around. When I was a kid, I wore my parents down so much one night by asking them endless questions about the biology of conjoined twins. Obviously, they didn't have extensive knowledge of th…
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Babies, groups, baby names, things kids say, kids, bad parenting, funny parents, moms, parenting, facebook, parenting memes, facebook memes, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

The Craziest Posts Insane Parents Shared This Week (February 7, 2023)

I'm going to be honest…we can be pretty critical of bad parenting here at Memebase. When you're exposed to the most insane parenting takes that the internet can offer, it's difficult not to get jaded about the state of parenting in 2023. I know that most parents do not lay their babies on their stomachs because “SIDS be damned, it's the only way my baby sleeps.” I am well aware that the majority of the parenting population does not name their child something straight out of the 1800s. These
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funniest parenting memes of the week

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (February 3, 2023)

When your kids are driving you nuts, take a breath and think of these memes.
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funniest parenting memes of the week

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (January 28, 2023)

Nobody is in need of break to scroll through funny memes more than a mom or dad.
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (January 26, 2023)

I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret; I am not a parent. Despite this, my friends always tell me that they think I'd be a good mom . What does that say about me? I have no idea. My first theory is that I would be a good mom because I have incredible vibes, and I will pass those good vibes down through my bloodline. Hopefully, my good vibes won't skip a generation! Perhaps I would be one of those strict, no-nonsense parents that can't stop bragging about how their 3-year-old has never…
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Millennial Parents Share Their Gen Z Kids' Genuine Reactions to Seeing the 1999 Film 'The Sixth Sense' for the First Time

Millennial Parents Share Their Gen Z Kids' Genuine Reactions to Seeing the 1999 Film 'The Sixth Sense' for the First Time

If they don't know who sees dead people, then they're too young for you.
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (January 19, 2023)

Tell me if you've heard this one: "I'm going to have kids early so I can enjoy my 40s and 50s." Or what about this one: "I'm going to wait until I'm 30 to have a kid so I can enjoy my twenties." These lines of reasoning are predicated on the notion that having kids is not enjoyable and is something you want to be relieved of eventually or postpone. I have little qualification to speak on this: I am not a parent, and who knows what the future of parenthood will look like for me. But I hope that…
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most relatable funny parenting memes for new and old moms, dads, and guardians

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (January 14, 2023)

Why let your bundle of joy drive you nuts when you can just take a quick break with funny relatable parenting memes??
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best memes for moms and dads old and new who are the funniest

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (January 6, 2023)

Hot take: Every teachable parenting moment is also a perfect meme-able moment.
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A compilation of funny tweets by parents about kids and parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (January 5, 2023)

Happy New Year, Parents! I hope all parents reading this have had a great 2023 so far. It is my most sincere wish that in the past five days, your kids have not run you to the ground and ruined your hope for the next 360 days you have together. I know this wish is a tad unrealistic, but a girl can dream! The good thing about this time of the year is that kids are finally returning to school. The two weeks of holiday preparation, constant cleaning, and providing around-the-clock entertainment fo…
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funniest parenting memes of the week

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (December 30, 2022)

Kids really do be thinking, "why wear gloves on hands when they fit perfectly fine on feet? Or pants on legs when they work great on head?"
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting for parents and by parents

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 29, 2022)

Howdy, and hey, parents! I hope you're having a good post-holidays week with your kids. I'm sure there's lots of playing with toys and hanging around going on, which sounds splendid. Luckily for y'all, the difficult part of the holidays is over! Now, all you have to do is put up with your kids for the next week or so before they head back to school. Piece of cake , right? Even if your holidays didn't go exactly how you planned, they could always go worse. You could be that mom who filmed her to…
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A compilation of funny tweets by parents about parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 22, 2022)

It's that time of the year…the kids are out of school, and they are going hog wild . I do not envy parents who stay home with their kids three days before Christmas. Their little bodies can barely hold so much anticipation, which leads to a lot of frantic energy coming your way. This time of year can be highly stressful, and there are very few things that can calm down kids who are so excited about Santa Claus. At the same time, there is something so special about having a couple of weeks to sp…
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funny parenting memes for moms and dads

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (December 16, 2022)

Why does putting the kids to bed have to be an Olympic sport every dang time??
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 15, 2022)

To be a parent or to not be a parent. That is the question that so many twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings grapple with, and it's a lot harder to answer than you'd think. Of course, some people don't have a choice in whether they become parents. Babies sometimes just happen to people, and that's that. But for those with the privilege of family planning, it's all about the timing. Some people want to have kids as soon as possible, and some have to scramble toward the finish line, with the s…
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