
Football fans grab your helmets and pads and start dribbling towards the goal. Whether you're all about the touchdown or bending it like Beckham, you won't leave disappointed. Sit back and check out some of the funniest football memes and jokes while you wait for the next match.

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Just Let Me Have This

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That Wasn't Very Godly of You, Gladys

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Are You Ready for Some Football? You Don't Need to Be, It's All the Same

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If You're Trying to Explain the Broncos' Win to a Non Sports Fan, Maybe the Taiwanese Animators Can Help

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I'm Also a Browns Fan

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A Lotta Rude Talk for a Company Whose Games are Notoriously Terrible

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If You Missed Last Night's Game, It Was Basically Just This

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This Fan-Made Browns Season Ticket Ad is so Brutal That You May Actually Feel Bad for the Team

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An Atlanta Sports Reporter Recaps an NFL Win With 23 Star Wars Puns, One For Every Point the Falcons Scored

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Ryan Fitzpatrick Photobombed By Nick Mangold

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Make the NFL Great Again With These Donald Trump Team Logos

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The Steelers' William Gay Had The Longest Celebration in NFL History

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After a Snap This Bad, What Else is Aaron Rodgers to Do Besides Drop an F Bomb on National Television?

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10 Thanksgiving Facts You Didn't Know About

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Join In on the Awkward as This Football Player Pats the Ref on the Shoulder

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This Analyst Can Choose a Winning Team, But Choosing Words is Hard