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Food Memes To Quell The Hunger

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Restaurant Employees Share Spectacular Fails From Fresh Hires

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Entitled Karen Wants A Salad, Orders a Not Salad, Tantrum Ensues

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Dude Goes on Suspenseful Journey Ordering "Nothing Burger" from McDonalds

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Customers Dine & Dash at Restaurant, Boss Tries to Force Server to Cover Cost

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Customer Service Workers Share Their Most Haunting Customer Interactions

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Demanding Customer Sparks Debate by Ordering "Spreadsheet" of Subs at Publix

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Restaurant Workers List the Most Annoying Things People Say About Their Jobs

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Servers Earn More Than Managers Thanks to Big Tips, Boss Responds by Cutting Wages

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Enjoyable Thread Reminisces On Times Annoying Customers Played Themselves

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Subway Worker Prompts Debate After Complaining About Having To Bake Cookies

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Frustrating Service Industry Tales From Disgruntled Servers

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Taco Bell Employee Divides Social Media After Fighting With DoorDash Driver

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Chipotle Dragged for Preventing Customer From Giving Generous Tip to Delivery Driver

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Restaurant Server Gets Roasted for Stacking 31 Plates

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Woman Gets Called Out For Complaining About Pizza Hut Employee Eating