

Funny tweets about Justin Bieber challenging Tom Cruise to a UFC fight.

Justin Bieber Challenged Tom Cruise To A Fight And Twitter's Roasting Him To A Crisp

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Can't Win

Funny meme about typos when fighting with someone online.
Via @memebase

In Your FACE

Caption that reads, "When you and your friend argue and Google confirms your dominant intellect" above a pic of an ancient Greek statue holding up another guy's head
Via cottoncandies

Happens All The Time

Caption that reads, "When you're high as f*ck so you decide to knock all your friends out with a deer you found" above an illustration of a guy swinging around a deer at his friends
Via FoxInZox

Breaking News!

Fake news headline that reads, "New study reveals humanity just one 'coexist' bumper sticker away from world peace" above a pic of a car with the 'Coexist' bumper sticker
Via odie0101

Clever Insult

Tweet that reads, "I was arguing with my best friend, and in the middle of it she took her glasses off and said, 'I don't wanna see you right now'"
Via anlyin

Really Good Idea

Tweet that reads, "Thanksgiving and Christmas should be six months apart, Absurd to see those people again so soon. Insane."
Via anlyin
funny memes about siblings

15 Hilarious Memes That'll Really Hit Home To Anyone With Siblings

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Buy Me Lunch For Your Own Protection

Funny meme about how you will argue with anyone about anything when you're hungry.
Via davie_dave

Please, Ma'am: I Don't Want Any Trouble.

Photo of baby doll that looks like it wants to fight, caption read that they think it is a threat.
Via Dank Memes Gang
video game swords fighting oblivion video game logic - 104710

To Each His Own, Man

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real life trolling truth fighting games fighting video games - 102662

That Friend That's Always Gotta Spam B

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Projectile Dysfunction

awesome dragonball z fighting goku - 8761276416
Created by tamaleknight ( Via tamaleknight )


gifs awesome sad but true Dragon Ball Z kinect fighting - 6925823744
cute fighting Video win - 75271425

Jackie Chan Has an Adorable Shaolin Kid Teaching Him a New Staff Routine

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Twin friends are Awesome!

friends fighting twins - 8577902336
Created by kaitri