
boyfriend, family drama, inheritance, orphan, sisters, money problems, wife, girlfriend, husband, dad, family, sister, parent, mom, money, parents, vacation

Entitled sister wishes she had the money her sister's orphan husband inherited after they passed when he was 17, sister kicks her out of her house for her insensitivity: 'She said he had no idea how lucky he was to be rich'

family family drama entitled people parenting entitled parents Parenting Fail parents AITAH aita Reddit reddit thread reddit story entitled people karma kid

‘She was not happy’: 21-year-old daughter refuses to inform controlling mother of an internship she landed abroad due to her mother's reaction to her last opportunity

birth mom, adoption, mom, baby, college student, aita, reddit, reddit thread, interview, sister in law, argument, family

22-year-old college student interviews sister-in-law about giving baby up for adoption at 20, gets angry when she says she doesn't regret it: 'This was the only good decision for him'

family dynamics, family drama, baby, baby names, entitled parents, crazy things parents say, names, father in law, baby name, in laws, mother in law, family, grandparents, parents

Parents refuse to name their baby 'Henry' after his paternal grandfather, grandmother berates them for not following family tradition of naming male heirs 'James' or 'Henry': 'She said I was breaking a tradition that went back hundreds of years'

boyfriend, family drama, shoes, child, trash, kids, mother, grandma, niece, reddit story, aunt, little kids, family, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, children

Aunt throws away her 6-year-old nieces shoes, despite her mom wanting to give them to her 2-year-old niece, after grandma gave aunt the go-ahead: 'This has happened multiple times with other things'

14-year-old niece claims aunt's expensive birthday gift is ‘lame’, aunt takes the gift back and gives it to 10-year-old nephew instead: ‘Maybe she’ll learn from this'

14-year-old niece claims aunt's expensive birthday gift is ‘lame’, aunt takes the gift back and gives it to 10-year-old nephew instead: ‘Maybe she’ll learn from this'

family drama, daughter in law, baby, pregnancy, mother, wife, grandma, reddit story, husband, in laws, mother in law, family, pregnant, newborn, grandmother, mom

'She says I am denying her "her baby"': 21-year-old pregnant woman tells mother-in-law who insists on being in the delivery room that she can't see the baby for at least 3 weeks after she is born, adding a week every time she asks about the babies name

family, relationships, kids, aita, reddit, reddit thread, sleepover, boyfriend, girlfriend, birth, argument

Man flips out after girlfriend refuses to share her bed with his 6-year-old son while his ex is giving birth: 'We had a deal and it feels weird'

family families no-contact toddler mom parenting golden-child drama reddit crazy moms dad sister brother siblings uncle niece drama reddit stories story

Man bankrolls the annual family beach vacation, then his mother-in-law insists on inviting her own friends to avoid spending time with her daughter: ‘This is a family trip, let's keep it that way’

parenting Parenting Fail parents Parenting FAILS entitled parents entitled people Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita brother family family drama family feud

Guy threatens to go low contact with parents after they plan to dip into their retirement savings to ‘bail out’ his older, ‘family screw up’ brother: ‘I can't keep watching this cycle’

family drama, cleaning, clean, marriage, wife, married life, husband, sister in law, messy, father in law, in laws, mother in law, family, dirty, married, snooping

Wife refuses to allow her in-laws to stay over after they snooped in her private things and called her house "messy" the last time they stayed over, husband gets angry: 'He may say he's going to clean, but he won't'

family families family-drama drama stories family-stories sister-in-law in-laws sister brother unlce nephew uncle inheritance money cash spend defends protect

Uncle defends his 16-year-old nephew's inheritance after his former sister-in-law tries to spend the cash on her new family: ‘I told her the money was for Caden and Caden alone’

diaper change, Babies, family drama, baby, babysitter, diapers, bad parenting, bad parents, sister in law, babysitting, in laws, family, diaper, brother in law, parents

Neglectful babysitters refuse to change babies diaper, goes on rampage when their sister-in-law reports it to the mother of the baby: '[She] has trashed me to every family member she can think of'

 siblings sibling rivalry sibling sibling memes brother sister family family feud money money problems Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH vacation family vacation maui Hawaii

Brother demands $7k back from nonrefundable trip to Maui to pay vet bills, lashes out at brother for being unable to refund it: 'I'm not reimbursing him'

family, wedding, daughter, son, aita, reddit, reddit thread, mom, girlfriend, fiance, ring, wedding ring, inheritance

Mom gives engaged 25-year-old daughter late spouse's wedding ring, 28-year-old brother protests he wants to give it to his girlfriend of four months: 'He claimed I was punishing him for not settling down'

Grandparents demand a share of late grandson's life insurance payout, claiming it's what he would have wanted, his wife refuses: ‘This money was meant for our children's future’

Grandparents demand a share of late grandson's life insurance payout, claiming it's what he would have wanted, his wife refuses: ‘This money was meant for our children's future’