

It's time to get some exercise. Stretch those legs, get yourself going today, don't let yourself become one with the couch. Enjoy some of these hilarious high-tempo puns and jokes that will have you gasping for breath.

Cat Spotter

Cats Caturday cool exercise gifs Image push ups - 6202205952

Swimming Is Good Exercise

exercise gifs Image pool seems legit swimming win - 6171052800
Created by _C_A_T_

Jump Rope Night

celeb exercise gifs Image jump rope weird - 6129014272

Robot Getting Ripped

Funny gif of a robot doing push ups on the floor.

Oh, to Be a Cat

Cats exercise Image sleep the internets - 6064248064
Created by el.carl2


exercise fixed flow chart Image lazy - 6065733888
Via I Love Charts

The Devil's Pushup

devil exercise exorcist gifs jump Memes movies - 6019438336

That Scene With the Stairs Was Really Just a Testament to Her Amazing Flexibility!

exercise gifs Hall of Fame Image jumping literalism lolwut Movie poster similar sounding - 6018311168
Via Ninja Text

Just Keep Running

exercise omg run Rage Comics treadmill - 5978936064
Created by Honory

Rage Comics: Music Is My Only Motivation

exercise ipod Okay Rage Comics - 5802036992

Robots Need to Stay in Shape

exercise gifs Image robot sad but true science treadmill walking - 5791213568

Chinese Soldiers Pass Around LIVE GRENADE

China danger exercise gifs grenades Image mindwarp soldiers yikes - 5737650432
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )

Work It, Sistah

celeb ellen exercise gifs Image sistah - 5720026112
Created by Asciicodeplus


exercise idiots Image stupidity wtf yoga - 5700270848
Created by fareon

Kittens on a Treadmill

Caturday cool exercise gifs Image kitten treadmill - 5590832128
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )

Speed Walking With Mr. T

best of week burn celeb exercise gifs Image mr t - 5568257280