

It's time to get some exercise. Stretch those legs, get yourself going today, don't let yourself become one with the couch. Enjoy some of these hilarious high-tempo puns and jokes that will have you gasping for breath.

And I Only Passed Out for 20 Minutes

Challenge Accepted exercise Music raisin face voting-page - 6578654464

Escalator Trolling Ducks

birds critters ducks escalator exercise gifs hopping Image - 6567274496
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Break )

Arise! Back to the Couch!

exercise fitness Image Lord of the Rings Movie work out - 6528343808
Created by Unknown

Mammary Mondays: Workout Pleasure

exercise gifs humpday Image mammaries work out - 6471696640
Created by deathwish01b

Parkour Pre-Tween

exercise gifs Image kids stunt - 6472120320
Created by _C_A_T_

The Toilet Waddle

exercise pooptimes toilet paper youtube - 6443843072
Created by littledevil9

Now That's How You Perform an Exorcism!

demon exercise Image misinterpretation similar sounding - 6431690240
Via Hotchkiss Comics

I'll Do It Eventually

exercise Image Pie Chart procrastination - 6434619904
Created by markot9

I Would Run Five Hundred Miles

all the things exercise Rage Comics - 6328430336
Created by Steelcurtain39x ( Via imgur )

Winning at Everything

animation exercise gifs Image Life Hack simpsons Simpsons Did It treadmill win - 6296074240
Created by GalderGollum

Classic: You Deserve a Drink!

exercise IRL troll science - 6279218176
Created by GalderGollum

Rage Comics: I Can Probably Finish Those in My Lifetime

exercise facebook okay body Rage Comics - 6285393408

Walnut Butt

babes exercise gifs humpday Image puns - 5873437952

Baby Does Pull Ups

baby cool exercise gifs Image kids lol pull ups - 6129011968

Now I'm Ready For Summer

best of week exercise forever alone Image summer the internets - 6257581312
Via Butter Safe


creeper exercise hilarious Image weird guy - 6238399488
Created by janbaldwin