

Dropping the Science: Get Over It

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Scariest Thing Ever!

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Created by mprosk

That Seems Astrologically Complicated to Me...

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Via Punblr

What If I'm Just a Combination of Two Other Memes?

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Created by Iamsang1616

Proof That Women Are Evil!

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Created by Marushin

... IDGI?

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Created by Unknown

Equation, This Is

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Created by Regrubezeehc

Philosophy Win

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Created by Unknown

You Might Try Being More Specific Next Time

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Created by Spoilerone ( Via )

Sadly They Make You Solve Your Own Questions

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Created by maxystone

I Blame Jaws

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Created by Bast


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It's the Only Sum He Knows

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Created by rtothe2


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College Parties Are SO Predictable

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Created by Craptabulous

Math is Fun

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