

twitter story, twitter, tiktoks, entitlement, viral tiktok, London, twitter reactions, tweetss, entitled, Subway, tweet, tube, train, twitter discourse, entitled people, tiktok

Entitled Influencer Complains When Pedestrians Walk in Front of Her Filming on a Busy Train Platform

It's their space too
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hike, proposals, Hiking, aita, entitlement, marriage proposal, trail, reddit story, proposal, entitled, reddit thread, Reddit, rude, entitled people, photographer

Entitled Hiker Refuses to Move From Picturesque Spot For Couple's Proposal

He didn't "have to", but he should have
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work, staff, customers, entitlement, customers, server, servers, waiter, job, tiktok

'I don't know what's happened in the past 7-8 years': Woman Becomes Server Again After Working in Corporate, Only Lasts One Shift

It's not for the weak
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Restaurant owner calls out reviewer who wanted to get paid to update bad review, $500

Wannabe Critic Tries to Extort Money From Restaurant Owner, Gets Thoroughly Called Out

Letting regular people write restaurant reviews was largely a mistake. And I say this as a recovering Yelper. Before I started working in the restaurant industry, Yelp was an outlet for me. It allowed me to share my Very Important opinion with other citizens. I'd write paragraphs about a breakfast burrito, cringey raps about the best pizzeria near my office. And while I mostly wrote favorable reviews of establishments, occasionally I would go in on a spot that was disappointing in both the food…
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Funny and cringey moments of extreme entitlement from choosing beggars and crazy deluded karens | KAREN area. Jolly ranchers, Attention all parents suckers and smarties might be adequate less fortunate neighborhoods like Cicero and Oak Park but NOT here are WAY better than them and candy hand out on Halloween must reflect Costco has king size candy bars and suggest all stock up. My kids expect and deserve only best. See few days. Like Comment Share

Shameful & Sad Moments of Deluded Entitlement

For shame.
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uber, taxi, woman, apartment, building, entitled, entitlement, entitled people, wtf, why, tiktok, miami

'I only leave my apartment the aesthetic way': Entitled Woman Gets Roasted After Making Uber Driver Wait

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'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

Dealing with Karens while waiting tables has to be one of the worst parts of the job. That's what this server had to endure when a group of Karens came into their restaurant at closing and demanded eggs Benedict without the hollandaise sauce.
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An employee gives their two weeks notice, hotshot manager tries to fire them, and end up getting demoted themselves.

Employee Gives Two Weeks Notice, Hotshot Manager Tries To Fire Employee and Gets Demoted

Oh boy did that manager learn their lesson.
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customer service entitlement retail retail worker customers entitled karen - 16421893

Untamed Karen Tries to Bring Fake Service Animal Into Store, Gets Told Off, Loses Her Mind

Karen and “Sarah Jessica Barker” are at it again!
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Funny yelp review, clap back, restaurant

Entitled Barefoot Man Put In His Place After Trashing Restaurant For Following the Rules

At this point in time, we can't seem to keep track of all the subcultures, fads, and trendy health kicks people are getting into. But as worldly individuals, w are well aware that there are, in fact, people who refuse to wear shoes, even in public. People claim that barefoot living is just one way of living a green lifestyle and that it's better for your health. Some people go barefoot due to ailments such as diabetes, or gout. We're not sure where the dude we're about to discuss falls on the b…
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A Reddit thread about an Entitled Karen who demanded a woman stop exercising in a public park.

Entitled Karen Demands Women Stop Exercising In A Public Park

Karens have been around long before we labeled them as Karens . Everyone can agree that something about an entitled, impatient, cruel, boomer white woman drives nearly everyone up a wall. I'd say the absolute worst thing about Karens is the self-centeredness they seem to all possess. They perceive everything around them that they don't like as an intentional slight directed at them specifically. How they can blow up angrily at the most banal offense is baffling. They will literally become enrag…
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Twitter user shares conversation between artist and prospective customer who fakes death to try to get free stuff

Entitled Liar Fakes Own Death to Score Free Art

Many moons ago, when I was an internet-addicted high school student, I would see people with beautiful Livejournal layouts, profile photos, and backgrounds. Most were painstakingly created in Photoshop , dappled with effects that range from artfully old and coffee stained to seemingly glowing from within. The artists responsible would usually take commissions, either in the form of actual money or via trades. I could never afford such a luxury. Instead I became friends with other fan fiction en…
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incels, incel, nice guys, nice guy, horrible, relationships, cringe, cringeworthy

Horrible Examples Of Incels Being Cringe

I can smell these posts
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Screen caps of entitled people and choosy beggars, social media, cheapskates.

Insufferable Entitled Losers & Choosy Beggars

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Tacky entitled posts from entitled people internet craigslist WTF

Choosing Beggars Who Expected the World

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Choosy beggars on the internet, karens get free pizza at dominos, covid-19, choosing beggars, entitled, entitlement | Today taking name Karen back Domino's is giving away free pizza people named Karen Karen don't like Domino's, though. | Sorry missed call Remind Message Decline Accept on my other line Feeeled any chance can get this free? if not then ill be taking my own life have until august 2, 4:30 PM EST

Ballsy Moments Of Extreme Entitlement

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