
Teen annoys older guy with the same name on Twitter, wholesome turn of events has them becoming pen pals: '[He] found our wedding registry and gave us $10!'

Teen annoys older guy with the same name on Twitter, wholesome turn of events has them becoming pen pals: '[He] found our wedding registry and gave us $10!'

getting fired, boss, antiwork, jobs, employee, fired, employee fired, job, bosses, work, raise, pay raise, bad bosses, money, workplace stories, email, workplace

Employee requests a raise, boss rejects raise and says he should quit now so they can replace him as quickly as possible: 'It would be most efficient to fill your current role now instead of playing a guessing game'

school, teacher, mom, parenting, twitter, twitter thread, email

Mom shows off critical email to her daughter's former teacher, provokes discourse on the parent-teacher relationship: 'I know a teacher that disrespected my child hates to see me coming'

college student, college, twitter, twitter thread, video, stupid people, gen z, exam, test, teacher

Gen Z college students get lectured by TA for being sent exam answers and not opening email: 'What's the point of college if it's adult daycare 2.0'

marriage, husband, wife, twitter, twitter thread, email, jobs, job application, controversy, relationships

Contentious husband sends partner 'wife acceptance' email after she receives two job rejections in a day: 'Unless this came with a salary, I'd decline'

job, jobs, job interview, bad jobs, new job, not my job, work, workplace, workplace stories, antiwork, work stories, work from home, email, salary, government, reddit, reddit thread, reddit stories

Bored government worker complains they were given a $20k salary increase to do 'literally nothing,' while some claim it's a dream job: 'Use the facilities, use the benefits'

'You must be kidding!': Boss Emails Entire Company Employee’s Salary Details, Including Expected ‘Raise’

'You must be kidding!': Boss Emails Entire Company Employee’s Salary Details, Including Expected ‘Raise’

manager, job, hiring, micromanager, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, emails, job application

'You have almost 100 applicants that met your minimum qualifications': Pushy hiring manager insists recruitment agency send her all candidates, faces malicious compliance

reddit, reddit thread, malicious compliance, manager, micromanager, job, work, working, project, email, emails, revenge, petty revenge, boss

'20 to 30 pointless emails daily': Pushy micromanager insists on being included in all client communications, gets schooled with malicious compliance

salary, engineers, recruiter, antiwork, jobs, job, email, lies, work, engineering, emails, recruiting, recruitment, Reddit, interview, money, engineer

Duplicitous recruiter changes salary from $4-5K to $3K per month before final interview round: 'This is [for] a Senior Engineer position'

antiwork, job, work, time off, PTO, Reddit, paid time off, salary, vacations, toxic workplace, email, toxic boss, workplace, reddit thread, company, money, vacation

Company takes 6 PTO days away from employee for taking too many days off in 2023, despite the company not having PTO in 2023: 'Is this LEGAL???'

credit cards, scammer, credit card, email, scammers, emails, scams, scam, rental, car, cars, reddit story, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, money

Scammer steals credit card information to rent car, emails card owner and asks why he canceled the rental: 'Sorry to use the details hee hee'

class, professor, university, email, college student, teachers, college student problems, emails, teacher, Professors, mildly infuriating, Reddit, college, college student

'Not even 12 hours notice': Professor uncancels 8 AM class at 10 PM the night before

jobs, money, work, salary, six figures, email, emails, antiwork, unemployment, Twitter, Job, workplace, twitter discourse, tweets, tweet, lazy, twitter reactions

Worker claims a $150K per year low-effort job isn't desirable: 'It's like premium unemployment'

work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, recruiting, recruiter, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, revenge, email, emials, job, job interview

'I'd like to rescind my application': Offensive recruiter loses prospective employee over insulting email

emails, emailing, information technology, computers, technology, email memes, memes, funny, funny memes

20 Funny Email Memes Worth Pressing Send On

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