
dumb people

cringe, humblebrag, humble brag, bragging, funny, obnoxious, annoying, dumb people, wtf, social media, rich people

Cringey Times Humbebrags Were Anything But Modest

These obnoxious people aren't fooling anyone
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Funny moments in game shows from stupid contestants | Name something Russia is famous Russians. Steve Harvey pinching the bridge of his nose: If have big enough casket, name something really can take with pet dead gonna kill pet cause didn't make. Oh. My. Goodness.

Dumb Game Show Moments Featuring Dumb People

There's a reason game shows have been around for so long.
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Funny tweets, funny tweets about intern james, internship problems, twitter thread, stupid people, schadenfreude, twitter story, cringe, stupid intern | have an intern named James. God blessed James with an incredible amount confidence point arrogance. God did not, however, bless James with any amount common sense or intelligence. These are his stories.

Twitter Thread About A Wildly Dimwitted Intern

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Funny cringey posts of stupid people from r/facepalm subreddit.

15 Moments Of Pure Unadulterated Facepalm

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Sick Self Burn

Funny self-deprecating joke about someone's IQ being 5 times 0
Via LeoSenior
Funny random memes

19 Shows Of Idiocy That'll Introduce Your Face And Palm

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Very, Very Stupid Indeed

Tweet that reads, "It's interesting growing up and learning that most adults are not smart. I had my suspicions as a kid but I didn't think the situation was this dire"
Via ifyouwanttoknowmoreaboutparanoidpeoplejustfollowthemaround

What A Genius Idea!

Girl asks Yahoo Answers why humans haven't been able to walk on the sun yet; someone responds that they could do it at night, and the girl replies that that's a great idea
Via JackStone98999

The customer is always right!

customer service dumb people pizza rage guy - 4612342784
Created by Eva :D
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