
Entitled mother gets told off when she tries to take money from her kid's savings account, realizes she can't touch it until he's 18

Mother demands father of the child's family to turn over their kid's savings account they created for him, family refuses: ‘She claims [it is] family money’

Entitled sister asks woman to request PTO so she can watch her 3 kids, then cancels last minute and expects her to take more PTO days later

‘It’s just basic respect’: Woman refuses to watch sister's 3 kids after she cancels on her last minute, sister expects her to take off work for the same reason days later

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Absentee Father Accuses a Single Mother of Attempting to ‘Seem Like the More Caring Parent’ Because She Refused to Let Him Contribute to Their 12-Year-Old Son's Legacy Bank Account

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'Ferret Girl' Causes Animal Drama at Her Sister-in-Law's Wedding to Steal the Spotlight From the Bride, Then a Family Friend Becomes the Voice of Reason

Entitled step mom demands respect from refuses to give it back to 17-year-old step son and step daughter, sparking a heated family divide

17-year-old son refuses to defend step mother after she tries to prevent him and his sister from seeing their birth mom on Halloween and Christmas: ‘We were staying with our family’

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‘Go get him!’: Biokids rescue their disabled dad when their stepmom neglects him, she threatens to sue, claiming they're just ‘using him for the money’

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‘[Meanwhile] I was struggling’: Preferential parents go bankrupt to fund the Golden Child's frivolous lifestyle, begging the eldest sibling for a loan, which is promptly refused

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17-year-old refuses to continue being a free nanny, private chef, and housekeeper setting boundaries after neglectful parents cross the line for 10 years: 'What have they ever done for me?'

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Scammy dude calls girlfriend's friend in the middle of the night to ask for $2500, wants to use her identity for sports betting: 'He's never going to make that profit'

Childfree woman is expected to help entitled sister-in-law with her six kids during a family vacation, woman refuses to play mommy while SIL relaxes

Sister-in-law expects child-free woman to help with her six kids during a family vacation, woman refuses to play mommy while SIL relaxes: ‘[Her husband] does absolutely nothing for his kids’

Entitled SIL books family's winter cabin every weekend and prevents others from using it, so her privileges are revoked when they find out it might be her sneaky cash cow

Sister-in-law prevents siblings from using family cabin by booking it every winter weekend, they find out she's been ‘lending’ the cabin to friends and her privileges get revoked

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28 Memes That Sum Up the Struggle of Growing Up with Siblings

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'You decided to be mean': Frugal woman refuses to pay $70 to see close friend's concert, says she's 'not an artist'

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'I'm done rescuing you': Wife 'cries wolf' repeatedly, calling her spouse for every minuscule 'emergency' before her husband sets healthy boundaries

Daughter refuses estranged father's demand to fund and house half-sister who she's never met, family keeps pushing back on her decision

Estranged father expects daughter to fund and house her half-sister who she's never met, she refuses but is met with pushback from family: ‘I’ve been very firm in my belief’

Entitled parents drain daughter's savings account and give it to her brother, then feel entitled to her daughter's cash after she sells her house  despite being no-contact for years

‘I’ve always been the outsider’: No-contact parents sneak back into daughter's life and request the money she made off of selling her home, despite draining her savings account years earlier