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'I’m not her built-in babysitter': Golden-child mom ruins her sister's child-free wedding ceremony by bringing her 3 unruly children, younger sis refuses to babysit for free afterwards

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'I'm honestly disgusted': Man brags about getting an 'amazing deal' by stealing an $899 TV on Black Friday, but his sister-in-law calls out his brazen thievery

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Sister bans brother from family Christmas after his kid steals her dog’s beloved toy: 'Max was visibly sad for weeks after'

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Brother unilaterally declares he's hosting Christmas lunch after agreeing with his sibling to meet in the middle, forcing them to drive 6 hours for the holiday meal, they refuse: ‘He didn't want to deal with traffic'

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'Meanwhile the kid is still screaming': Entitled mom demands a plane passenger scooch over for her family of 4 despite crowding the aisle with her two young kids under 4-years-old

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'Y'all were both kind of delusional': Man asks his fiancé to re-home her dog after he moves in with 9-year-old daughter who's allergic, she refuses

Overly-generous daughter doesn't send mother abroad her usual ‘monthly money’ so she can have spending money on vacation, mother becomes ‘cold [and] distant’

Overly-generous daughter doesn't give mother her usual ‘monthly contribution’ so she can have spending money on vacation, mother becomes ‘cold [and] distant’

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26-year-old plans trip to South Korea and Japan for her and 3 of her friends, backs out when friends add 3 other people to the trip without her permission: 'It is kind of a logistical nightmare to plan a trip consisting of 7 people'

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Thanksgiving guest sends a bill to his daughter-in-law who hosted dinner, claiming he spent more money on supplies, she adamantly refuses: ‘His father DIDN'T host!'

Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a "Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List" after they pull her 8-year-old daughter's out of ‘unladylike’ classes and sneakily modify her diet

Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a "Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List" after they sneakily pull her 8-year-old daughter out of ‘unladylike’ classes and modify her diet

‘It doesn’t feel like I was ever truly raised, more like survived’: Neglected daughter refuses to be ‘aging’ mother's primary caregiver after years of being treated like her least favorite child

‘It doesn’t feel like I was ever truly raised, more like survived’: Neglected daughter refuses to be ‘aging’ mother's primary caregiver after years of being treated like her least favorite child

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Woman refuses to bankroll her mother-in-law's lifestyle, denying her husband's promise of $4,000 per year: 'They were extremely irresponsible with their $'

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'If she didn’t care, why should I?': Mom ditches her 8-year-old bioson for her 'new family,' then gripes years later when he refuses to invite her to his wedding

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'Good luck finding your soup': Pie bandit ruins his sister's Thanksgiving contribution, so she returns the favor by tearing the labels off of every canned item in the pantry

Woman tells off boyfriend's family after 3 years of being forced to sleep on an air mattress during the holidays, entitled family goes back on their sleeping arrangement ‘rules’ when it benefits them

Woman tells off boyfriend's family after 3 years of being forced to sleep on an air mattress during the holidays, entitled family goes back on their sleeping arrangement ‘rules’ when it benefits them

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Host Calls off Thanksgiving Dinner After Micromanaging Sister Hands Out ‘Family Code of Conduct,’ Complete with Dress Codes and Assigned Seats: 'She showed up with printed copies'