

hot dog, pizza, food memes, pasta, spaghetti, cursed food, doritos, Turkey, sandwiches, sandwich, beans, soup, funny food photos, gross food, food, junk food, fast food

Succulent Food Memes That Are Delicious And Nutritious

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A compilation of memes about food and drink

Succulent Food Memes For Fast Food Fiends

If fast food is so bad for you, then why does it feel so good? Popeyes and Raising Canes are definitely guilty pleasures of mine, but they really shouldn't be! After all, any kind of unhealthy food is fine in moderation. People freaking out about the dangers of fast food makes me think about the damage the movie Supersize Me did to our collective critical thinking skills. Morgan Spurlock (yes, I know his name) really thought it was a hot take that eating at McDonalds every day for a month would…
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A compilation of funny and weird food memes

Weird Food Memes Straight Out of a Fever Dream

It's Thanksgiving, and you know what that means? It's time to eat some seasonally appropriate food like turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce! It's so interesting that most of us eat the same thing for Thanksgiving every year. Imagine what Thanksgiving would be like if we drank mashed potato-flavored wine instead of red wine. What if we stuffed the bird with baked beans? What if, instead of slicing congealed cranberry sauce from a can, we sliced congealed gravy? Unfortunately,…
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Article about brands tweeting one word after amtrak tweeted trains

Companies Tweet One Word Summarizing Their Brands After Official Amtrak Account Accidentally Tweets "Trains"

Being on Twitter in 2018 could be a painful experience for various reasons, but none more painful than the never-ending onslaught of brands trying to be funny. You really had to be there, but if you weren't, you are one of the lucky ones. Twitter brands would try to start beef with each other, form alliances with each other, and generally try to get attention. The most popular corporate Twitter was Wendys, but there were a lot of imitators trying to claim the title of the “weirdest” and “quirki…
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food, fast food, doritos, chips, flavor, branding, interesting, explanation, twitter thread

Dude Provides Fascinating Explanation About Why Doritos Are So Addictive

There's a lot going on
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dorito, doritos, chips, ebay, auction, money, sale, bidders, omg, wow

Puffed Up Dorito Gets Auctioned On Ebay, Racks Up More Than $70,000 In Bids

At last, A Dorito Hot Pocket.
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Woman's Doritos Locos taco stolen by Dasher DoorDash, caught from Doritos dust on fingers in photo

DoorDash Employee Busted After Stealing Customer's Doritos Locos Taco

Think, people, think.
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Cringey and funny memes about neckbeards, nice guys, misogyny, cringeworthy, creepy dudes, women | Savia @saviaivas Cardi B nipples are too big overweight basement dweller in a my little pony shirt | female gamestop employee youve been stalking quits her job and moves bitch Hank Hill in a fedora

25 Misogyny-Tinged Neckbeard Memes & Moments

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Funny twitter thread about Doritos name origin, dark humor, chuck wendig | Chuck Wendig O @ChuckWendig like and any other human, has definitely enjoyed ZESTY NACHO TANG Doritos corn chips time time, as well as their alternate flavors like Cool Ranch, Sweet Chili, Spicy Meatball, Hot Tire, and Fresh-Cut Grass. But then thought, where did name come 8:57 AM 3/27/20 Twitter Web Client | asked my dogs and my son and all quarantine but all came consensus s probably doradito, or "golden brown but dogs

Funny Thread Suggests The Dorito Name Is Some Dark Magic Crap

The more you know.
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Those Were The Days

funny meme about the air in chip bags, bag that is filled to the brim with doritos
Via @memebase

So Rude

Pic of a short guy, who represents "Some baby in a shopping cart at the store" looking up at a tall woman, who represents, "Me, minding my own business"
Via psychobeanz
Funny memes, relatable memes, random memes, anxiety, horses, animal memes, privacy, social media, sleep.

32 Random Memes That'll Take You On A Funny Journey

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Funny memes, random memes, silly memes, random memes.

45 Silly Sh*tposts That'll Make You Crack A Smile

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Funny meme about cool ranch listerine.
Via distinguishedbaloney


Funny meme about doritos for women.
Via champagnemanagement

It's An Endless Cycle

Distracted Boyfriend meme where the girlfriend and boyfriend represent 'me' and the other girl represents 'eating a family-sized bag of Doritos by myself'
Via CanWeStopTalkingNow
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