
reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, story, true story, mildly infuriating, money, friendship, friendships, friend, concert, advice, relationship advice, difficult, discourse, subreddit

'I would knock on the door': 15-year-friendship is jeopardized over a $60 DJ set

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'I have more money for my dogs': Childless couples over 40 discuss if they regret not having kids

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'Bluetooth headphones are $10 now': Frustrated commuters accuse people who use speaker phone in public of 'anti social behavior'

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Weekly Internet Roundup: Cargo Pant Proposals, Barbie Oscars Discourse, and Disturbances at the Rat Hole

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'The gate attendant actually tried to scan it': Guy brings billboard-sized boarding pass on plane

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'France made me cry': Influencer complains about feeling isolated in Lyon, splits opinions on travel behavior

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'This is ten times more narcissistic and toxic than whatever he did to you': Roommate kicks out out guy who ghosted him twice, sparks heated discourse

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'We're 5th cousins': The strange family secrets uncovered by DNA testing

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'The young and the rizzless': Older generations question why Gen-Z seems to date less than their parents

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Inconsiderate Family Asks Daughter-In-Law to Be Their Server for Christmas Dinner

reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, reddit discourse, am i the asshole, aita, pregnant, pregnancy, parenting, parenting fails, fatherhood, father, mother, comments

Selfish Fiancé Chooses Family Vacation Over Pregnant Partner Days Before Due Date

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Main Character Auntie Steals Show at Football Game, Haters Left Speechless

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The Most Baffling Baby Names from Around The Internet

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Man Makes the Ultimate Dating Faux-Pas, Woman Sends a Biting Reply

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American Claims That Europeans Should Tip in the US Because of "Transcendentally Better" Service, Takes Transatlantic Tipping Discourse to Wild New Levels

marriage, relationships, twitter, twitter thread, discourse, age gap, chris evans, alba baptista, famous people, roasted

Twitter Scold Gets Roasted for Starting Ludicrous Age Gap Discourse About Marriage of 42-Year-Old Chris Evans and 26-Year-Old Alba Baptista