
girlfriend, boyfriend, relationships, twitter, twitter thread, tiktok, breakup, texas, los angeles, discourse

Woman quits job, moves from LA to Texas with boyfriend, faces surprise breakup when he comes back from family vacation: '3 and a half years of happiness... we've been incompatible this whole time'

discourse, twitter discourse, music, iq, twitter, twitter thread, stupid people, intelligence

Galaxy-brained poster claims that nobody with an 130+ IQ listens to music: 'This is a lot of words to say you don't understand music'

twitter, mothers, mother, working mom, working, moms, parenting, mommy, tweets, working parents, parenting tweets, mom, discourse, twitter discourse, parents

Moms discuss whether working moms or stay at home moms criticize each other more heavily: 'Women get shamed no matter what we do'

cleaning, clean, ultraclean, clean up, cleaner, cleanliness, germs, neat freak, house, housework, homemaker, groceries, tiktok, viral tiktok, tiktoks, video, twitter discourse, discourse, debate

'Performative cleanliness is such an interesting concept': Homemaker washes gallons of milk and bottles of juice before putting them in the fridge, sparks debate

millennials, millennial nostalgia, millennial, millennial humor, elder millennial, sleeping, sleep, sleepy, waking up, wake up early, modern discourse, discourse, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'Your friends are selfish': Fed-up friend makes plans for 7:30AM, claims that millennials 'can't wake up early'

vintage, fashion, vintage fashion, clothing, thrifting, thrift shop, thrift store, clothes, dress, dress code, alterations, twitter discourse, twitter thread, tweets, twitter reactions

'This is a crime': Woman alters vintage designer dress, angers masses on Twitter

reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, am i the asshole, aita, babysitter, aunt, family drama, cake, birthday, birthday cake, childcare, discourse, babysitting, teenagers

'Your sis had the golden goose of babysitters': Stingy aunt charges teenage babysitter £20 for eating leftover cake

reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, story, true story, mildly infuriating, money, friendship, friendships, friend, concert, advice, relationship advice, difficult, discourse, subreddit

'I would knock on the door': 15-year-friendship is jeopardized over a $60 DJ set

parenting, parenting memes, reddit, reddit thread, askreddit, children, having kids, childfree, single, over 40, generation x, boomer, millennials, discourse, aging, regret

'I have more money for my dogs': Childless couples over 40 discuss if they regret not having kids

twitter, twitter memes, twitter thread, twitter reactions, twitter discourse, twitter story, debate, discourse, modern discourse, discussion, behavior, society, rip society, manners, commute

'Bluetooth headphones are $10 now': Frustrated commuters accuse people who use speaker phone in public of 'anti social behavior'

roundup, weekly interent roundup, tiktok, twitter, discourse, news, internet news, barbie, feminism, oscars, cargo pants, clothes, fiance, proposal, relationship, gen z, aging, debate, rats, rat hole, viral, chicago

Weekly Internet Roundup: Cargo Pant Proposals, Barbie Oscars Discourse, and Disturbances at the Rat Hole

prank, pranked, airplane, airplanes, plane, planes, flying, air travel, travel, funny, viral videos, viral tiktok, silly, random, discourse, main character

'The gate attendant actually tried to scan it': Guy brings billboard-sized boarding pass on plane

travel, traveling, air travel, fraance, europe, european, solo travel, influencer, influencers, main character, vlog, discourse, debate, roasted, reddit, reddit thread

'France made me cry': Influencer complains about feeling isolated in Lyon, splits opinions on travel behavior

twitter, twitter memes, funny twitter, twitter thread, twitter reactions, twitter discourse, twitter story, ghosting, ghosted, dating, dating fails, dating advice, discourse, debate, boundaries

'This is ten times more narcissistic and toxic than whatever he did to you': Roommate kicks out out guy who ghosted him twice, sparks heated discourse

reddit, askreddit, reddit thread, reddit story, family, family drama, family memes, dna, dna test, paternity, ancestors, discourse, modern discourse, interesting, funny

'We're 5th cousins': The strange family secrets uncovered by DNA testing

reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, reddit discourse, discourse, modern discourse, gen z, zoomer, generations, millennials, gen x, askreddit, dating, dating apps, online dating

'The young and the rizzless': Older generations question why Gen-Z seems to date less than their parents

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