

Carbon(ated) Dating

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Are These... Safe to Eat?

dinosaurs drinking prank Are These... Safe to Eat?
Via damn-funny
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It's a Sheer Shock Nobody Had a Heart Attack During This Parking Lot Prank

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Excuse Me, Can You Get Control of Your Human?

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Jurassic Park Without the Dinosaurs is Just a Nature Preserve That Gets People Riled Up

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Flowers, Not Firearms

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The More You Drink the More Sense This Makes

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Hold On To Your Butts, Someone Has Finally Done Jurassic Parkour!

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Jurassic Fear

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The Mass Extinction of the Dinosaurs Was Brought on By Karma

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They Are Delicious, But Don't Eat Them Because They Are Directly Related to Dinsoaurs

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The Coolest Way to Get Around

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The World's Most Agile Dinosaur Takes on an American Ninja Warrior Course

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Stop What You're Doing and Watch This Stripper Bring it Back to a Prehistoric Era

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God's Drinking Problem

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Raptor Facts

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