

A compilation of random memes, some having to do with mental health.

Mental Memes To Scratch Your Brain

Once you leave school and get into the regular routines of life, it can be hard to find new things to do that make you think. It's often difficult to find something exciting to stimulate your brain. Many people use little games and puzzles to keep their brains challenged and active, which is admirable. While doing a crossword every day probably won't make you a genius, it can imbue little nuggets of knowledge into your mind that previously might have just stayed in the newspaper. Personally, I…
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A compilation of random memes.

An Inventory of Approachable Memes

Not all websites are straightforward beacons of great content. With many forms of social media, whether Twitter , Tumblr, or Reddit , it sometimes feels like it takes years of feed curation to get to the good stuff. Who and what are you supposed to follow to find the good content on those platforms? I've found that following people with similar tastes but some notable quirks or personality traits you don't necessarily relate to is ideal. When I was on Tumblr as a kid, I followed a bunch of peop…
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A compilation of random screenshots from Wikipedia

Funny Out of Context Moments From the Deepest Corners of Wikipedia

Wikipedia ; the fountain of forbidden knowledge. Is it accurate? Is it all made up? Who cares! Wikipedia was founded in 2001 and has been an essential tool for researchers of the online persuasion ever since. If you grew up in the 2000s, you remember being told by your teachers not to use Wikipedia unless you want to get a big fat F on your paper. That threat put the fear of God into many young Wikipedia users. Although not peer-reviewed in the technical sense, Wikipedia is a very convenient so…
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Funny random memes, dank memes, humor, nerdy memes, lol

A Big Old Bunch of Memes For Nerds & Normies Alike

Listen. Even we here at Memebase are humble enough to admit that it is impossible to consistently serve up the very best memes to grace the many pages of the internet. There are simply not enough witty, intelligent and funny people creating them these days - and not enough people with good taste sharing the good ones that already exist. If we are being totally sincere about why and when we seek out these tasty morsels of comedy, the best of the best really isn't necessary. We're more interested…
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dinosaur memes, funny memes, dank memes, dumb memes, animal memes, dinosaurs, memes, funny, lol, shitposts, funny tweets, twitter memes, bird memes

Dumb Dinosaur Memes That Won't Go Extinct

Dinosaurs were probably the most badass creatures to ever walk the planet. As one dino-geek so eloquently put it on Twitter, “I don't even understand people bored by dinosaurs. They were giant bird lizards that got murdered by space, what's your fucken problem.” If that damn Chicxulub impactor hadn't annihilated all the dinosaurs, who knows what the earth would look like today. Maybe dinosaurs would still rule the world. Would there be memes? Would dinosaurs be making memes about themselves? I…
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Funny random memes, dank memes, lol, relatable memes, humor, funny tweets

An Assortment Of Memes Of Varying Dumbness

Get your meme on
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dinosaur, dinosaurs, prehistoric, funny, funny memes, lol

A Rawrsome Selection Of 20+ Dinosaur Memes

Prehistoric humor
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dinosaur memes, nerdy memes, prehistoric memes, dumb memes, funny memes, shitposts, dinosaurs, memes, animal memes, science memes

20+ Prehistoric Memes For Dinosaur Fans

They may be extinct, but they live on through memes
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united nations, climate change, psa, funny, dinosaurs, raptors, video, youtube, reddit, roast, funny comments, jack black

Nobody is Inspired by the UN's Climate Change PSA Featuring a CGI Dinosaur

Did you hear? A new United Nations PSA just dropped and it totally solved climate change. Yup, climate change is officially over thanks to this mind-blowing PSA. The video features a CGI raptor with the voice of Jack Black. He walks into the UN General Assembly and gives world leaders a piece of his mind on the subject of climate change. He knows a thing or two about extinction because he's a dinosaur, get it? I'm sure a lot of people appreciate the effort, but the video has a lot of flaws. For
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Dude posts cringey incel meme, dinosaurs, people roast him on twitter, chad, wojaks

Incel Roasted After Sharing Misogynistic Meme

Not much in this world annoys us as much as an angry " nice guy" who takes pleasure in victimizing themselves while painting a very ugly picture of women. Everyday annoyances don't compare to how frustrating the misdirected ire of a young man who feels scorned or misunderstood by society can be, particularly when it's found all over the internet. Dudes will harass women via direct messages when they're rejected, or make cruel statements from a dark place in their hearts that makes them feel jus…
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funny memes, dinosaur memes, dinosaurs, prehistoric memes, memes, funny, lol, nerdy memes, dumb memes, jurassic park memes

20+ Savage Dinosaur Memes for Aspiring Paleontologists

Once a dinosaur nerd, always a dinosaur nerd
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Funny random memes, nerdy memes, dumb memes, relatable memes, depressing memes lol | Why don't more bald men fight like this two dinosaurs headbutting each other | someone asks are doing but are miserable so pull out ol' reliable LIVING DREAM! Spongebob opening a box

A Potpourri Of Memes & Funny Things

Variety is the spice of life.
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cosmos, dinosaurs, moon, existentialism, quarantine, 2020 memes, memes, funny memes, twitter memes, funny tweets, random memes, relatable memes, anxiety memes, dank memes, lol | History channel during day pyramids are tombs pharaohs History channel at night pyramids are alien warships | gamay papi @justbrad Nature is returning seagull wearing trainers

Cosmic Memes & 2020 Things For People Who Like To Reflect

Funny & slightly existential vibes
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Funny memes about prehistoric animals, evolution | kids these days care too much about tik tok and not enough about tiktaalik Devonian era half-fish half-tetrapod transitioned vertebrates ocean land. | Nobody: Life as soon as Cambrian starts: made with mematic explosion

Sixteen Prehistoric Memes That Are Older Than Your Mom

Darwin would be proud.
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Funny Memes, Dank Memes, Conspiracy Theory, Dinosaur Earth, Flat Earth, Parody, Satire | astronaut pointing gun at another astronaut in space Wait Dinosaur? Always has been | earth dinosaur's teeth are snowy mountains

'Dinosaur Earth' Meme Account Argues Earth Is Actually Dinosaur-Shaped

Wake Up Sheeple...
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Oh Hell Yeah

Funny meme about archaeologists working from home during COVID-19 quarantine | dinosaur eggs in oatmeal
Via TheSkiiMeister