

Funny dank memes, random memes, humor

A Decent Bunch of Pretty Good Memes

If parallel universes exist, then, logically speaking, that probably means there is an alternate reality where memes don't exist. A universe where everything is just varying shades of grey (like new fast food chains), and food tastes like nothing. In this bleak reality, humans look bizarrely ageless because there is a severe lack of sunshine and vitamin D, and nobody ever laughs. In this awful universe, the only form of entertainment that exists is a single channel on a gigantic, antiquated tel…
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winter, fall, depression, mental health, advice, twitter thread, health

Seasonal Depression Victim Shares Invaluable Advice on How to Handle Winter

It can be tough
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A compilation of memes about mental health and mental illness

Mental Health Memes For Mentally Ill Memes Lovers

We all have mental health, but some of us have less mental health than others. Conversations around mental illness often focus on more socially acceptable diagnoses. Anxiety and depression are not only extremely common but also widely discussed. In a way, they've almost become completely destigmatized conditions. It's kind of wild how much more socially acceptable to talk about these things now. Back when boomers were growing up, it was incredibly hush-hush. Nowadays, everyone's on Lexapro, and…
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"Remember to drink water to refill your tears": Funniest Sad Boi Memes of the Week That Cure Your Seasonal Depression (November 23, 2022)

"Remember to drink water to refill your tears": Funniest Sad Boi Memes of the Week That Cure Your Seasonal Depression (November 23, 2022)

My seasonal depression is in its final form.
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Funny memes for people who are depressed and going through it

Painfully Relatable Memes and Things For Anyone Who's Always Going Through It

Does it always feel like you're just hanging onto your last shreds of sanity by a thread? Do you feel like the tiniest change in plans could just send you absolutely reeling and over the edge? There's also the possibility that you're so used to the lack of serotonin and dopamine that you feel nothing at all. Well, these memes are for you. Between the seasonal depression that's building as every day grows shorter, and the regular depression, ADHD, anxiety, and other mental afflictions, life can…
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Funniest Sad Boy Memes for People Who Have Been Overwhelmed Since 2012

Funniest Sad Boy Memes for People Who Have Been Overwhelmed Since 2012

Emotional Support Memes
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Funniest Sad Boi Memes for People Who Stare Out the Window When It's Raining While Listening to Melancholy Music

Funniest Sad Boi Memes for People Who Stare Out the Window When It's Raining While Listening to Melancholy Music

It's not a phase
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A compilation of memes about Depression and sadness

Depression Memes For Mental Health Havers

As a wise person once said, everybody has mental health . That much might be true, but unfortunately, not everybody has good mental health. Before we are born, we are entered into the mental health genetic lottery, and while some of us come out unscathed, those with a sweet, sweet history of mental illness will likely come out extremely scathed. The worst part about having mental health issues is that everybody thinks they're experts on how to help you. People roll out lethargic advice all the…
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Funniest Sad Boy Memes for People Who Have Been in a Bad Mood for Decades

Funniest Sad Boy Memes for People Who Have Been in a Bad Mood for Decades

Nobody understands me
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Funniest Unstable Memes for Those of Us Who Are Easily Overwhelmed

Funniest Unstable Memes for Those of Us Who Are Easily Overwhelmed

A lot of people would probably define themselves as somewhat unstable
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Funniest Therapy Memes for People Who Simply Like to Talk About Their Problems, or at Least Get a Rush from it

Funniest Therapy Memes for People Who Simply Like to Talk About Their Problems, or at Least Get a Rush from it

It's all about the rush
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Memes about not enjoying life

Memes For Anyone Who Feels They're In a Permanent Rut

As I scroll near-mindlessly through my Instagram feed, there's an emptiness that comes along with the visual proof that my peers and I are growing old. Every night I sit here on my Ikea couch, fake-watching TV, trying to pretend that this is “me time” and “ self-care ” when I'm really just wasting away while recovering from my demanding daily duties. The banality of my existence feeds both my depression and anxiety, but I'm too damn tired to do something that is actually gratifying with my time…
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mental health, mental health memes, sad memes, depression, depression memes, memes

Depressing Mental Health Memes That Know the Pain of Going Through It

Gritting our teeth
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A compilation of memes about depression and mental health.

Depression Memes To Fight The Summertime Sadness

If you logged onto Tumblr for the first time as a tween without knowing what depression was, you certainly weren't going to log off without learning. If you weren't a teenager on Tumblr in the early 2010s, it's difficult even to describe how insane the content was regarding depression and mental health issues. It was a nearly constant conversation, with Tumblr users sharing graphic details of their experiences with self-harm and suicide. Sure, these posts built a community in some aspects, but…
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A compilation of random memes, tumblr posts, and tweets.

Memes To Cross Off Your Summer Reading List

As a nearly-constant internet user, I often wonder how much reading I do that's just on the internet. Sure, I might not read as much daily as I did when I was an English major, but these tweets and Tumblr posts have got to count for something, right? Allegedly, we read completely differently when using technology versus merely reading on paper. According to research, we skim more when reading online than in a paper book, even when reading e-books or PDFs of scanned book pages. I will admit that…
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sad, sad memes, dark memes, depression, depression memes, funny, memes, funny memes

Sad Memes for Anybody Feeling the Blues

We're in this together
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