
depressing memes

Funny random memes, funny tweets, vampire tweets, dracula, relatable memes, depressing memes | LOSE TRAIN THOUGHT MID SENTENCE Is this aa aaaa is this a pigeon meme | Catstrey @CatstreyDave kill French Vampire need drive baguette through its heart. Sounds easy but process is painstaking

52 Scroll-Worthy Memes For The Bored And Restless

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I Didn't Consent To This Life

Funny meme about not having children, the curse ends with me | Me explaining to my parents why I'm not having kids This curse ends with me
Via u/Table-Turner
Funny memes about depression, dank memes, anxiety memes, mental health, mental illness, neurotic | Them: Happy Monday e lucyontheground (SOBBING] woman crying over a laptop | just viv @pxwertrip_ Trying be honest with my therapist but not so honest get involuntarily hospitalized arandomthot This hits home little too hard

Memes For People Who Need To Get Their Shit Together

You can do it.
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funny random memes, dank memes, stupid memes, self-deprecating memes, funny tweets, twitter memes | slight change intimacy or being hated and abandoned affection by them Corporate needs find differences between this picture and this picture. my mental illness They're same picture The Office Pam | mentally preparing myself read comment section local news aborteddreams aborteddreams aborteddreams Ben Affleck

A Smorgasbord Of Memes For Primo Procrastination

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Funny random memes, stupid memes, relatable memes, simpsons memes, hannibal burress, stupid memes, parenting memes | Therapist: You should really avoid using alcohol to cope with emotional trauma. Me: lean in my cereal | Do you remember how TinkerBell would nearly die everytime she didn't get enough attention? Well this is me now

Relatable Memes To Keep People Distracted

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Sad But True

Funny meme with Natalie Portman as Queen Padme Amidala saying that adding "lol" at the end of your sentences doesn't hide the pain
Via @memebase
Funny memes from Donnie Darko starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Real friend, depressing memes, relatable memes, plant memes, cat memes | made new friend mentally ill Real or person u met on internet mentally ill person met on internet | made new friend. Real or cat met at party cat met at party

'I Made A New Friend' Memes Are A Solid Mix Of Donnie Darko And Self-Deprecation

Making friends is hard to do.
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Funny work memes, relatable work memes, dank memes, office memes | job ask suggestions make workplace better wine alcohol | see co-worker walking towards microwave with fish and broccoli StupidResumes

Work Memes For People Who Are Over It

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Depressing memes, self-deprecating memes, anxiety memes, funny tweets, twitter memes, relatable memes and tweets | girlsclothes do people their twentys do except go grocery store grace-has-forgiveness sometimes lie bed paralyzed by knowledge life is neither meaningful nor enjoyable asgarddropout and then go get snacks | Are night person or morning person at night morning screaming screaming begins again possum

Slightly Sad Memes And Tweets Filled With Self-Deprecation

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This Is So Sad

funny meme about being left on read, echo | Hi Echo! Echo! Echo! Echo! Seen 12:48pm Seen 12:48pm Seen 12:48pm I love you!
Via @memebase

It's Always Me

funny star wars meme about self-sabotage, of course i know him, he's me | Therapist: Can you think of anyone who is a negative influence in your life who is causing you to feel this way? — Well; of course I know him. He's me
Via @memebase
Funny relatable memes, ozzy osborne, dank memes, personally attacked, dark humor, comedy | talking sink full dirty dishes every night going bed. Fuck lot | morning: aborteddreams So nightmare begins again. rat smoking cigarette

Thirty-Three Memes That Just Hit Right

We feel these.
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Oh God

Funny meme about Billie Eilish and girls thinking its sad, garfield comic, depressing, garfield dies | 14yo girl: Billie Eilish is so sad I can't even Me: She's not 14yo girl: stfu I bet you haven't even felt real pain comr- z z z
Via u/i-hacked-kmart
Funny and depressing memes about depression and anxiety, dank memes, sad memes, depression, add memes, mental health, mental illness | Seasonal But Slutty 1984's George W v @EwdatsGROSS Wake up v Hit snooze V Think about quitting my job and moving across country explore nature and live van v Fill void loss existential purpose with coffee an attempt feel something | on verge tears public and doing everything can hold and act like nothing is wrong at same time

Dark & Funny Memes For People Who Are Going Through It

We're here for you.
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Funny memes about depression | Lisa Simpson presentation samflower @milkygoddess me when i sense the tiniest change in someone's energy towards me in conclusion I'm sorry i bothered you with my existence | Me trying to figure out God's plan for me How exciting, another closed door. Arthur

30 Depressing Memes For The Downtrodden

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Funny and depressing memes about climate change | Kendall Jenner swimming climemechange New York, New York Trying get my friend's house 2050 like @climemechange | Trust have government's committment solve climate change Wow look! Nothing!

Eighteen Climate Change Memes Chock-Full Of Bleak Humor

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