
depressing memes

Covid-19 Is Ruining Everything

Due to COVID-19 Only I person can cry in the freezer at a time. Thank you, Management everyone patiently waiting their turn
Via u/XXXSauci
Work Memes, Funny Memes, Relatable Memes, Depressing Memes, Job Memes, Dank Memes | hope this email finds well email found Furby on fire in front of a laptop | thought chill at home but actually working 14 hours day now angry Patrick star

35 Relatable Memes For Workers Who Hate Working

Let's get this bread.
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Funny random memes, dank memes, twisted tea, relatable memes | Parents want grandkids BEST CAN DO IS DOG | looking back at ATM afterwards make sure MF go back home screen

43 Carefully Curated Funny, Depressing & Relatable Memes

It's a hodgepodge alright.
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Funny and depressing memes | man looking at camera in front of a hug mess on a lawn including a passed out person. My therapist after taking one step into my mind IT'S A TERRIBLE SITUATION. Disappointment Island ozeia: im coming home im coming home tell world im coming home.

33 Downer Memes To Counteract All That Annoying Holiday Cheer

Holidays are over, time to be sad again.
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Funny random memes, dank memes, animal memes, shitposts, lol | He brought CORN as promised. Foolish have doubted him.. crab with corncobs | Eucalize Legalyptus stoner koala bear

Dank & Dumb Animal Memes To Distract From Human Suffering

We'll get through this.
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Funny and depressing memes, nihilism, sad memes, pessimistic memes | train on fire  Oh look, here comes July. | wake up do nothing do something feel stupid fail hate yourself cry until sleep doge flowchart

25 Downer Memes For All The Pessimists

Laugh through the pain
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Funny random memes and tweets, lol, relatable memes, twitter memes, santa, comedy | person who talks at end commercials Professional rappers Shark in water | If ever accidentally touched one these with bare hands are immune corona virus Oprojacisapact nonslip mat

42 Funny Pics For Mood Improvement Purposes

Turn that frown upside down.
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Funny and relatable memes about being depressed, anxiety, pain, suffering, 2020 memes, funny tweets, depressing tweets, twitter memes | sluttypuffin @sluttypuffin Yeah living DREAM: Dead inside Reconsidering my career E ating everything complete mess Mentally unstable | Friend are doing Still alive, but suffering greatly.

Depressingly Relatable Memes For People Who Are Suffering

For some of us, 2020 hasn't changed much.
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Practice Makes Perfect

Funny meme about acting cool when you're suffering from crippling depression. | When your friends ask you why you act cool under crippling depression I this for 20 years, I'm a pro
Via u/Ben-Craft-8
Funny random memes and tweets, animal memes, relatable memes, depressing memes, dank memes, tumblr, adhd, gordon ramsay | Looks like this pigeon had pretty intense phone call bird leaving tracks in snow | Winter is here and invisible man back stock photos of women coughing into their fists

45 Amusing Memes For Your Viewing Pleasure

Memes = self care
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Vote For The Best '2020 Meme' Of The Year

Vote for the 2020 meme of the year, bad year, worst year, best 2020 meme of the year | this is fine
Via Memebase
Funny random memes, stupid memes, dank memes, relatable memes, funny tweets, twitter memes, depression memes, depressing memes, lol | every time l touch my hair loose strands of hair hanging to a hand | tries scold my cat misbehaving cat: Don't lecture fucking can opener.

48 Memes For Those Who Want To Press Pause

Take a break.
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Funny memes, dank memes, raccoon memes @nocturnaltrashposts, existential memes, 2020 memes, clever memes, sad memes, sassy memes | They say be like sometimes @nochumailtrashposte But lately be like all time | this is fine. 2020 @nocturnaltrashposts

19 Sad And Sassy Raccoon Memes

All hail trash pandas.
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Relatable memes for people with student loans, student loan debt memes, joe biden | Ro Reductress @Reductress Yay! This Millennial Got Hit by City Bus and Can Finally Pay Off Her Student Loans: Tyler Chambers @skinny_que 's really hard watching other people live out dreams | Every cigarette smoke takes another seven minutes off debt on student loan

25 Bleak Memes For People With Crippling Student Loan Debt

They're a trap.
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Funny random memes and tweets | These have got be two dumbest people alive Predictor need know. pregnant couple taking a pregnancy test | can't believe this didn't work Lil Sasquatch @lilsasquatch66 4/3/20 STOP Corona

Memes And Tweets For People Who Want To Escape Reality

Who wouldn't want to avoid real life?
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depressing memes, depression, self-deprecating memes, sad memes | astronaut in space Wait am alone Always has been | @PIPESBUFFET DON'T HATE MONDAYS HATE PAIN EXISTENCE

18 Depressing Memes For Masters Of Self-Deprecation

Embrace the sadness.
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