
parenting, babysitter, sugar, debate, controversy, candy, gummy bears, twitter, twitter thread, kids, mom, dad

Overprotective dad fires babysitter for allowing 4-year-old to eat 11 packs of gummy bears: 'Nobody with judgment that poor should be trusted with anything of value'

gamer, mother, gaming, Misogyny, gamers, video game, online gaming, dad, adult son, punishment, gamer girls, video games, mom, son, parents, Father

Mom takes away 18-year-old sons gaming equipment after he verbally berated women online, dad thinks punishment was out of line: 'He is a man now'

wedding, parenting, relationships, bride, mom, dad, awkward, divorce, tiktok, comments, funny

'Mom is still angry at him': 22 years separated parents reunite for daughter's wedding, awkward moments ensue

dads, text message, crazy things parents say, texts, bad parenting, moms, bad parents, parenting, dad, texting, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (June 18, 2024)

reddit stories, graduation, letters, mother, teenagers, raising daughters, good dad, letter, reddit story, daughters, widow, dad, fatherdaughter, daughter, mom, Father

Widower dad gifts 18-year-old daughter a letter her mom wrote to her for her graduation, gets angry that he didn't gift it sooner: 'I feel terrible that I withheld something that would’ve brought her comfort'

fathers day, dad, dads, parenting, parent, family, memes, funny, funny memes, dad jokes, kids

Father's Day Memes for Dads and Kids Who Love the Dad Jokes

family drama, mother, crazy things parents say, middle child, bad parenting, grudge, bad parents, parenting, dad, book, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, Father, Parenting FAILS

Mom claims her middle child being born on the same day as an anticipated book release ruined their relationship: 'I had to come on the one day she had other plans'

text message, mother, crazy things parents say, text, texts, bad parenting, bad parents, parenting, dad, texting, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Father, Parenting FAILS

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (June 11, 2024)


Gen X Dad Dances Like it's 1988, Goes Viral for Perfectly Mimicking His Younger Self

biological parents, family drama, adoption, wedding drama, sisters, adoptee, birth parents, adopted, wedding, dad, adoptees, family, sister, parent, weddings, parents

'Our bio dad wants to walk you down the aisle': Adoptee pressures sister to invite their birth parents to her wedding despite her wanting nothing to do with them

boy, nephews, family drama, tooth, child, kid, kids, brother, sister-in-law, injury, siblings, yo yo, yoyo, dad, uncle, nephew, children, brohters

Dad insists professional yo-yoer brother give his advanced yo-yo to his son, gets angry when kid knocks tooth out with it: 'He told me that I had to pay to get the rest of the baby tooth out'

baby, baby names, compromise, surname, mother, nigel, middle name, marriage, parenting, bad names, dad, names, mom, name, parents, Father, veto

Dad insists on naming baby Nigel despite mom hating the name, won't take no for an answer: 'He said if we didn't name him Nigel, he would still call him that'

newborn, baby, parenting, dad, mom, relationships, wife, husband, tiktok, controversy, comments

New dad tries to go against wife's wishes and feed water to 2-month-old baby: 'my mother insists that newborns should be given water from birth'

motherson, disappointed, disappointment, slushie, mother, field trip, parenting, dad, 7-11, mom, slurpee, son, parents, disappointing, Father, reddit story, Reddit

Mom buys 8-year-old son a slushie after a disappointing field trip, dad claims she was too soft on him: 'In the real world you just have to s*ck it up'

racism, school, graduation, thats racist, superintendent, bad parents, dad, fatherdaughter, high school, racist, educator, daughter, parent, white people, Fathe

Father pushes Black school superintendent to stop him from shaking his daughter's hand at graduation: 'We are still bickering about skin color 400 years in'

family drama, dads, graduation, siblings, daughters, parenting, Party, dad, fatherdaughter, ged, graduation party, family, sibling, daughter, parents, Father

Dad refuses to throw 26-year-old daughter a graduation party after she got her GED, claims she should've graduated at 18: 'She's not a good person'