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'He's mad at being forced to look after his own child': Husband refuses to assist pregnant wife with their toddler, claims he's 'off duty'

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'Her children are not your siblings': 19-year-old son refuses to babysit for dad's 7th wife, she calls him 'a grown man who should know better'

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Entitled woman flips out at gender reveal after finding out she's having a boy, sister refuses to comfort her and faces the backlash of her family: 'My sister's temper tantrum saddened me'

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'You're not a part of their family': 20-year-old mom asks 16-year-old brother to babysit every night unpaid, won't refer to him as 'uncle,' only as 'babysitter'

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'Spending quality time with us doesn't matter to him': Inattentive husband asks 38-weeks pregnant wife to leave his birthday party early, wife refuses to attend

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'You're just leaving your child to fend for herself': Unwitting parent learns neighbor has been driving her 10-year-old to school for 6 months, chews her out for undermining her parenting

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'Do you like to refuse to show empathy?': Judgmental grandmother refuses to take care of 3-year-old and 4-year-old while her son takes 1-year-old on a trip, calls it 'favoritism'

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Husband gets angry when wife says 'What's the story macaroni' to her 5-year-old and 4-year-olds, tells her it's 'childish': 'Tell him to lighten up'

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Neglectful 22-year-old mom brings 5-year-old and infant to haunted house despite friends warning, the kids have meltdowns: 'Those poor kids'

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Choosy beggar mom asks for free childcare from stay-at-home sister, demands she make separate meals and keep a separate schedule: 'She's being such a diva'

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'You aren't starving your children': Overstepping woman criticizes how brother-in-law feeds his children, calls it 'insanity' that they have more than 3 meals a day

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'I thought she was joking': Mom of newborn asks for a new car for 'push present,' husband responds she's not worthy

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Parents expect 23-year-old pregnant daughter to take care of her young half-siblings, scold her when she sets boundaries: 'They pushed you one step too far'

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Ex-wife destroys 14-year-old daughter's $2.7k gaming laptop, refuses to reimburse ex-husband's wife who bought it: 'Time for small claims court'

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Husband misses the birth of his child, is upset that wife lords it over him whenever they argue: 'I told her she needs to get over that'

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'They don't value you as a person': Selfish mother relies on 21-year-old sister to babysit, freaks out when she asks to be compensated