
customers, customer, customer service, work memes, work, retail, hospitality, memes, funny, funny memes

Funny Memes About Customers for Weary Customer Service Representatives

Babies, karens, tantrum, baby, screaming, tantrums, customers, flight, airlines, yelling, customer, passenger, airline, baby boomers, boomers, airplanes, karen, airplane, flying

Rowdy Airline Passenger Throws Tantrum Because of Crying Baby, Gets Arrested

customer, flight, airline, boss, flyer, flying, airplane, airport, upgrade, first class, malicious compliance, reddit

'I found excuses to upgrade four other passengers': Airline Worker Told to Upgrade Douchey Frequent Flyer Only 'If There Is Room'

food, restaurant, karen, complaint, social media, funny, facebook, customer

Sassy Restaurant Calls Out Entitled Karen Who Refused To Wait For Food

work, employee, business, email, coworker, coworkers, employer, controversy, twitter, job, break, death

Company Taken Down on Twitter For Cold Reaction To Employee’s Death

“I’m in touch with somebody else that works here, I don’t need your help” “OK” | He was just too good for me to talk to him. He thought he was better than me. So I decided not to ever look at him or deal with him again.

'I’m in touch with somebody else': Guy too good for event worker's credential help, gets to wait for ages instead

starbucks, customer, customers, employee, toilet, bathroom, karen, wtf, tiktok, cringe

Starbucks Customer Goes to Bathroom, Prompts Outburst From Wild Karen

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Customer Service Workers Share Their Most Haunting Customer Interactions

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Delivery Driver Sparks Outrage After Sharing Insulting Customer Request

customer, server, dining, restaurant, tip, tipping, check, debate, tiktok

Guy Sparks Outrage After Trolling Server With Tip He Knows Will Get Declined

coffee, birth, work, job, customer, server, wtf, funny, funny twitter

Workplace Mishap Leads To Entertaining Thread On The Perils Of Being A Server

takeout, junk food, fast food, reviews, google reviews, customer, business, argument, funny, complaint, story

Traumatizing Takeout Reviews That Will Curb All Junk Food Cravings

mcdonalds, ice cream, customer, customer service, fast food, junk food, debate, employee, tiktok

McDonald’s Worker Catches Heat By Showing How She Makes Ice Cream For Rude Customers

customer service, chat, web chat, customer support, customer, text, conversation, funny twitter

Poetic Customer Service Representative Captures The Heart Of Twitter

google, google reviews, review, reviews, customer, customers, businesses, angry, reply, weird

15+ Funny Google Reviews That Champion The Angry, Entitled, And Confused

waiter, server, waitress, funny meme, national waitstaff day, hospitality, service, job, customer

Waitstaff Memes For and About Hospitality Workers